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I would first like to thank editors Diane Kawamura (Abdomen and Superficial Structures) and Susan Stephenson (Obstetrics and Gynecology) for their support throughout the completion of the three volumes of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. It was great to work with these talented individuals and their ideas and knowledge were a tremendous help.
The team of individuals at Lippincott Williams and Wilkins deserves my sincer- est gratitude for their support, encouragement, knowledge and patience. I’d like to especially thank Peter Sabatini, Acquisitions Editor and Kristin Royer, Product Manager as this textbook would not have been possible without them. In addition, I’d like to extend my appreciation to Kelly Horvath, Development Editor, Jennifer Clements, Art Director and all the others on our team who helped get this text- book completed. I would also like to thank Rachel Kendoll, Vascular Technology Program Director at Spokane Community College for her help with some of the on- line ancillary materials.
When I was first approached about this textbook, I knew it would only be as good as the authors I could get to contribute to it. I tried to gather a group from a broad range of backgrounds and experiences. Our authors include individuals from the Pacific Northwest to South Florida, New England to Southern California and mul- tiple facilities in between as well as international contributors from Australia, Brazil and England. The strength and thoroughness of this textbook is due to the fantastic authors who contributed to this project. I am so thankful to have their expertise and their wonderful chapters.
Images are a key component to any textbook. I’d like to thank the various authors within the book who helped contribute additional images for other chapters. There are several other individuals I would like to thank who contributed images: Phillip J. Bendick, PhD, RVT, Royal Oak, MI; Karen Burns, RN, RVT, MBA, Chicago, IL; Michael Ciarmiello, Albany, NY; David Cosgrove, FRCR, London, England; Steven Feinstein, MD, Chicago, IL; Kimberly Gaydula, BS, RVT, Chicago, IL; Damaris Gonzalez, RVT, RDMS, Chicago IL; Kathleen Hannon, RN, MS, RVT, RDMS, Boston, MA; John Hobby, RVT, Pueblo, Co; Debra Joly, RVT, RDMS, RDCS, Houston, TX; Steve Knight, BSc, RVT, RDCS, Boston, MA; Kimberly Lopresti, RDCS, Philadelphia, PA; Daniel Matz, Frimley, Surrey, England; Antonio Sergio Marcelino, MD, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Patricia “Tish” Poe, BA, RVT, RDCS, FSVU, Cincinnati, OH; Jeff Powers, PhD, Bothell, WA; Besnike Ramadani, BS, RVT, Chicago IL; Robert Scissons, RVT, FSVU, Toledo OH; William B. Schroedter, BS, RVT, RPhS, FSVU, Venice Fl; Carlos Ventura, MD, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Hans-Peter Weskott, MD, Hannover, Germany; Jean White, RVT, RPhS, Venice, FL. A special thanks goes out to my friends at GE Healthcare: Mike Arbaugh, Cindy Owen, Jim Sitter and Billy Zang and Unetixs Vascular: Tony Castillo, Brewster Merrill and Don Tibbals for their assistance and contributions to image acquisitions.
Lastly, I’d like to thank those people in my life who have personally helped me get to this point to function as an editor of a textbook. Thanks to my coworkers for their support. Thanks to the numerous medical and scientific professionals at Albany Medical Center and my vascular friends across the country who have taught me so much. Special thanks goes to Sister Theresa Wysolmerski, CSJ, PhD of the College of Saint Rose for getting me started with exploring science and helping me in so many ways. A big thank you goes out to Mr. Peter Leopold, MB, BCh, MCh, FRCS Eng/ Ed for having enough patience to teach me to scan and answer my countless ques- tions on vascular disease. Finally to my family and friends, especially my parents, son and husband who have given me so much love and support through the years, thank you so very much!