Page 325 - Libro 2
P. 325
The Renal Vasculature
Marsha M. Neumyer
renal–aortic velocity ratio | renal artery stenosis | renal artery stent | renal cortex | renal hilum | renal medulla | renal ostium | renal parenchymal disease | renal sinus
poststenotic signal a Doppler spectral waveform recorded immediately distal to a
flow reducing stenosis; the waveform exhibits decreased peak systolic velocity and disordered flow during systolic deceleration and diastole as a result of the pressure-flow gradient associated with the lesion
renal–aortic velocity ratio the peak systolic renal artery velocity divided by the peak systolic aortic velocity recorded at the level of the celiac and/or superior mesenteric arteries; the ratio
is used to identify flow-limiting renal artery stenosis
renal artery stenosis narrowing of the
renal artery most commonly as a result of atherosclerotic disease or medial fibromuscular dysplasia
renal artery stent a tiny tube inserted into a stenotic renal artery at the time of arterial dilation (angioplasty); the stent, usually a metallic mesh structure, helps to hold the artery open
renal cortex the outermost area of the kidney tissue lying just beneath the renal capsule, the fibrous covering of the kidney
renal hilum the area through which the renal artery, vein, and ureter enter/leave the kidney
renal medulla the middle area of the kidney lying between the sinus and the cortex; the medullary tissue contains the renal pyramids
renal ostium the opening of the renal artery from the aortic wall
renal parenchymal disease a medical disorder affecting the tissue function of the kidneys
renal sinus the central echogenic cavity of the kidney; it contains the renal artery, renal vein, and collecting and lymphatic systems
suprasternal notch the visible indentation at the base of the neck where the neck joins the sternum
symphysis pubis/pubic bones the prominence of the pelvic bones noted in the lower abdomen
Describe the anatomy of the renal vasculature
Relate the most common pathologies found during a sonographic examination of the renal circulatory system
Describe patient preparation and positioning used for sonographic evaluation of the renal arteries, renal veins, and kidneys
Define the technical applications of the B-mode, spectral, color, and power Doppler evaluations of the renal vasculature
List the validated diagnostic criteria used for defining renal artery stenosis, occlusion, and renal parenchymal dysfunction