Page 16 - HOME TEST OB SONO 260
P. 16

SONO 260 2016 Prof. Ana Zayas Ed.D(s)
62) Themeasurementbeingobtainedinthisimageisthe:
a. Interolculardiameter b. Ocular diameter
c. Binoculardiameter d. Intraocular diameter
63) A patient presents to the ultrasound department for an endovaginal sonogram. She is complaining of vaginal bleeding. Which of the following statements is not true of endovaginal imaging?
a. Endovaginalimagingiscontraindicatedinthebleeding patient.
b. Endovaginal imaging provided superb imaging of the endometrium.
c. Endovaginalimagingprovidedimprovedresolutionofthe uterus compared to transabdominal imaging.
d. Endovaginal imaging is contraindicated in the patient with an intact hymen.
64) Upon ultrasound interrogation of the neck of a 19-week fetus, you discover that the nuchal thickness measure 4mm in the anteroposterior dimension. Which of the following should be considered?
a. Downsyndrome
b. This is a normal measurement. c. Patausyndrome
d. Edward syndrome
Anatomy and physiology
65) The physiologic cyst that forms after ovulation has occurred is termed the:
a. Corpusluteum b. Dermoid cyst c. Thecaluteum d. Cystadenoma

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