Page 17 - HOME TEST OB SONO 260
P. 17
SONO 260 2016 Prof. Ana Zayas Ed.D(s)
66) Demise of a twin in the second trimester with maceration is termed:
a. Acardiactwin
b. Vanishing twin
c. Fetuspapyraceous d. Conjoined twinning
Anatomy and physiology
67) A patient presents to the ultrasound department with a positive pregnancy test and left lower quadrant pain. Sonographically, a single live intrauterine pregnancy is identified. The crown rump length yields a 6 week gestation. A structure is identified that appears to be connecting the developing embryo to the secondary yolk sac. What is this structure called?
a. Omphalomesentericduct b. Gastroepipoic duct
c. DuctofMonro
d. Duct of Santorini
68) Whichofthefollowingwouldbethemostlikelycauseof oligohydramnios discovered at 11 weeks?
a. Severehydronephrosis
b. Bilateral renal agenesis
c. Intrauterinegrowthrestriction
d. Premature rupture of membranes
69) Whatisthisimageoffetalgenitaliademonstrating?
a. Normalmalegenitalia b. Clitoromegaly
c. Fetalhydroceles
d. Normal female genitalia