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AbuRahma A F 2000 Segmental Doppler pressures and Doppler waveform analysis in peripheral vascular disease of the lower extremities. In: AbuRahma A F, Bergan J J (eds) Noninvasive vascular diagnosis. Springer, London, pp 213–229
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Hennerici M, Neuerburg-Heusler D 1998 Vascular diagnosis with ultrasound. Thieme, Stuttgart, pp 179–180
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Further reading
AbuRahma A F, Bergan J J 2000 Noninvasive vascular diagnosis. Springer, London
Polak J F 1992 Peripheral vascular sonography. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore
Zwiebel W J 1992 Introduction to vascular ultrasono- graphy, 3rd edn. W B Saunders, Philadelphia
   disease. In: Bernstein E F (ed) Noninvasive diagnostic techniques in vascular disease. C V Mosby, St Louis, pp 619–631
Legemate D A, Teeuwen C, Hoeneveld H, et al 1989 The potential of duplex scanning to replace aortoiliac and femoro-popliteal angiography. European Journal of Vascular Surgery 3(1):49–54
Legemate D A, Teeuwen C, Hoeneveld H, et al 1991 Spectral analysis criteria in duplex scanning of aortoiliac and femoropopliteal arterial disease. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 17(8):769–776
McCarthy M J, Nydahl S, Hartshorne T, et al 1999 Color- coded duplex imaging and dependent Doppler ultrasonography in the assessment of cruropedal vessels. British Journal of Surgery 86(1):33–37
Pemberton M, London N J 1997 Color flow duplex imaging of occlusive arterial disease of the lower limb. British Journal of Surgery 84(7):912–919
Proia R R, Walsh D B, Nelson P R, et al 2001 Early results of infragenicular revascularization based solely on duplex arteriography. Journal of Vascular Surgery 33(6):1165–1170
Sensier Y, Hartshorne T, Thrush A, et al 1996 A prospective comparison of lower limb color-coded duplex scanning with arteriography. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 11(2):170–175
Sensier Y, Bell P R, London N J 1998 The ability of qualitative assessment of the common femoral Doppler waveform to screen for significant aortoiliac disease. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 15(4):357–364

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