Page 107 - My Story. Our Story. God's Story.
P. 107

Heavenly Father,
             As  we  stand  in  the  aftermath  of  a  global  pandemic  that  touched  every  life,  we
             draw near to you with hearts humbled and hands open. We acknowledge the pain

             and  the  loss  and  also  the  lessons  and  the  growth  that  have  emerged  from  the
             shadows of the pandemic.

             We  pray  for  healing,  Lord  -  physical,  emotional,  spiritual.  May  your  comforting
             presence  heal  those  who  have  suffered  and  continue  to  bear  the  scars  of  this
             ordeal. Mend our broken spirits and restore our bodies to strength and vitality.

             Unite  us,  O  God,  in  ways  that  surpass  the  divisions  deepened  by  distance  and
             difference.  Give  us  the  grace  to  step  across  the  trenches  of  opinion  and

             circumstance to extend hands of fellowship and words of understanding. In unity,
             may we find the truth of your love reflected in our own.

             Turn our hearts toward gratitude. Despite the hardships we faced, we recognize
             the countless blessings we were given: the dedication of healthcare workers, the
             innovation  of  scientists,  the  kindness  of  neighbors  and  the  unwavering  spirit  of


             Inspire us to exhibit care in every action and interaction as we rebuild the world

             around  us.  Just  as  Christ  tended  to  those  in  need,  may  we  too  look  beyond
             ourselves to the welfare of others. Whether in offering solace, providing for the less
             fortunate  or  simply  lending  an  ear,  may  our  lives  be  a  continuous  act  of

             considerate service.

             Lastly, we ask for connection. Rekindle our sense of community, both within First

             Lutheran and beyond, as we reach out to reforge bonds and create new ones. In a
             world  craving  hope  and  companionship,  make  us  ambassadors  of  your  divine
             fellowship, drawing others into the warmth of your loving presence.

             God of all mercy and comfort, may we move forward with the courage to face new
             challenges, the wisdom to seek your will and the assurance that you walk with us,

             today and always.

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