Page 20 - March 2022 Issue.indd
P. 20

Caroline County Public Library
              Library Corner                                                      

                                     by Jeanne Trice

                     Library Hours             everything that’s changed since then!   the first class, including chain stitches,

            DENTON                             Library renovations to bring this   single crochet, and double crochet.
            Monday: 10 am - 6 pm               location into the new millennium and
                                                                                 Yarn and hooks will be provided.
            Tuesday: Noon - 8 pm               beyond will begin in 2022. Our Friends
                                                                                 March 3, 5:30-7:30 pm, Denton,
            Wednesday: 10 am - 6 pm            of the Library group is raising funds to

            Thursday: Noon - 8 pm              help cover the cost of furniture and   registration required.

            Friday: 10 am - 6 pm               fixtures throughout the library.      Pokémon Scavenger Hunt
            Saturday: 10 am - 2 pm
                                               Visit the Friends website, www.   Calling all Pokémon Trainers! Come
                                      to make an online   join the “Who’s that Pokémon” quest
            FEDERALSBURG                       donation, visit any library location to   at Denton. Pick up your Pokédex Card
            Monday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm
                                               donate in person, or mail a donation   at the Maker Desk and find them all

            Tuesday: 12 -2 pm and 3-8 pm       to: Friends of the Library, P.O. Box   to win a prize!
            Wednesday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm
                                               363, Denton, MD 21629
            Thursday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm                                      Don’t forget to take advantage of lures

                                               Learn to 3D Print at Federalsburg  on our two Pokéstops to fill your
            GREENSBORO                         Join MakerSpace staff for an in-depth   Pokédex while you’re here.

            Monday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm      look at the 3D printing process, from   This is a walk-in event; no registration

            Tuesday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm     CAD programs to slicers to fi nished   is required.
            Wednesday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm   parts! Participants will design their   Week of March 7-11, all day, Denton.

            Thursday: 10 am-2 pm and 3-6 pm    own unique keychains and have them
            *For programs requiring registration,   printed.                     March 8, 4-6 pm, Denton, ages 6-12,
                                                                                 registration required.
            please visit or call 410-479-  March 1 & 15, 4-6 pm, ages 10 and
            1343.                              up, registration required.          St. Patrick’s Day Kahoot Trivia
                         New!                                                    Think you know everything about
                                                      Learn to Crochet!
             Help transform your library for   Learn the basics of crochet in this fi rst   St. Patrick’s Day? Find out at our
                    the modern age             session, and join a second session on   St. Patrick’s Day Kahoot! Compete
            The Denton library hasn’t been     April 12 to make a fun cat butt coaster!   against others to win chocolate coins
                                                                                 and a chance to win the grand prize, a
            renovated since 1995. Think of     Crochet basics that will be taught in   gift card to Pizza Empire!

                                                                                 March 10, 6-8 pm, Denton,
                                                                                 registration required.
                                                                                      Women’s History Month
                                                                                 Collaborative Biographical “Quilt”
                                                                                 Celebrate Women’s History Month by
                                                                                 making a Collaborative Biographical
                                                                                 “Quilt” featuring 30 infl uential women.
                                                                                 Each participant will be given the
                                                                                 names of two women to research and
                                                                                 three paper hexagon quilt pieces to
                                                                                 work on. One hexagon has a portrait
                                                                                 of an influential woman to color, the

                                                                                 second has the woman’s name in a
                                                                                 “stitch” font, and the third has space to
                                                                                 write a short biography of the woman.

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