Page 54 - March 2022 Issue.indd
P. 54
The Maryland Office of the Attorney General is alerting
Marylanders of individuals and labs off ering door-to-door
SHORE MEDICARE SOLUTIONS LLC COVID testing. The individuals performing these tests
promise prompt results, but consumers have reported not
Marti Wright • Owner
receiving results several weeks after the initial test. Consumers
Independent Insurance Broker have complained that they do not know how their personal
identifying information is being secured. Consumers should
Over 25 Years Experience with avoid testing conducted by random strangers who show up at
Medicare Supplement Insurance their doors.
Phone: (410) 443-1169 Consumers are advised to only get tested at approved COVID-
Email: 19 testing sites if you are experiencing symptoms or have
had exposure. Our local health department can provide
information and set appointments for testing in your area. Call
410-479-5880. Consumers must avoid testing conducted by
random strangers who show up at their doors. Slam the door
on those bottom feeders, then call our local cops and let them
know the scammers’ location! Our men in blue can get those
skunks out of our neck of the woods by simply showing up in
a squad car for a little chat!
RACE BASED No one will call, text, or email you from the federal government
STRESS & TRAUMA: to ask for your information to “help” you order free kits. Only
a scammer will contact you, asking for information like your
THE IMPACT OF RACIAL DISPARITIES credit card, bank account, or Social Security number. Do not
IN SYSTEMIC INJUSTICE respond. Instead, report it to the FTC at ReportFraud.ft
Federalsburg Senior Center
Good News! Spring is just around the corner on March 20th.
March is National Nutrition Month, St. Patrick’s Day on the
17th, and the start of Day Light Saving Time on March 13th.
The Federalsburg Senior Center will present many programs
and activities to celebrate these dates.
• Tuesdays at 10 AM, Tyrell James
Register & Learn More at will present Healthy Living. • Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 AM, Tyrell
James will be instructing an exercise class.
• Tiffany Scott from Priority Partners will
condition and will be especially dangerous to the health of present Medicaid: Understanding Your
the person certified to be seriously ill. A second option states Benefits, on the 2nd at noon.
that termination of the services would prevent the use of life
support equipment that sustains the life of the customer or • Medical Care & You (Questions to ask
the occupant.” This form does not let you off the hook for the your doctor) on the 17th at noon.
electric or gas bill but prevents shut off . The customer has 30 • Emergency Preparedness on the 31st at noon.
days to set up a payment schedule with the utility. • Melisa Chapple from University of Maryland will take
blood pressure readings and hold individual health
Covid has recently been running rampant in our County…
consultation with members on March 8th at 10 AM.
again. It’s important that we off er our respect and thanks to
the hardworking and courageous women and men working at The senior center is located above the Federalsburg Town Hall
the Health Department, and the Caroline County Vaccination on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 3. Continental breakfast
Center in the Denton Plaza. They are diligently working is available at 9 and lunch served at noon for a donation of
to provide residents with PCP testing and, most urgently, $2.75. Come and join us.
vaccinations and boosters. May God bless you, and all those
March Birthdays: Mary Anders, March 4; Louise Magee,
administering vaccinations in our pharmacies and doctors’
March 3
offices and keep you safe as you battle this killer in our
community. Remember vaccinations are keeping Caroline
County residents out of hospitals and cemeteries!