Page 21 - February 2024 Issue.indd
P. 21

Pinwheel                       CHANGE A CHILD’S STORY

                     Court Appointed Special Advocates
                        FOR CHILDREN
                       CASA OF CAROLINE             Form

                    Every year during the month of April, local businesses, leaders, and citizens join together to display
                                        onth o
                                                      al businesses
                                                   , loc
                                                                         , and
                                                                  , leaders
                   pinwheel gardens around Caroline County to represent the countless children who experience abuse
                  and neglect every year and show our county’s commitment to keeping kids happy, healthy, and SAFE!
                            Please join us in raising awareness to STAND UP FOR CHILDREN and stop abuse!
                                          Deadline for April publications is Friday, March 8, 2024.
                      PINWHEEL CHAMPION        Recognition as a CASA of Caroline Community Partner all year •  Name and
                      $500                     logo featured prominently on Pinwheel Garden banner  •  Dedicated pinned
                                               posts and banner space on all social media  •  A public thanks on social
                                               media with personalized video  •  50 pinwheels at location of choice*  •
                                               Pinwheels  for Prevention campaign sign
                       PINWHEEL PARTNER        Recognition in event-related materials  •  Name and logo on Pinwheel
                       $300                    Garden banner  •  Partner thanks on broad social media posts  •  30
                                               pinwheels at location of choice*  •  Pinwheels for Prevention campaign sign

                       PINWHEEL PLANTER        Recognition in event-related materials  •  Name and logo on Pinwheel
                       $150                    Garden banner  •  15 pinwheels at location of choice*

                       PINWHEEL AMBASSADOR Recognition in event-related materials • 5 pinwheels at location of choice*

                     Payment  Information:
                     Enclosed is my check, made payable to            Credit Card or Digital.
                     CASA of Caroline                                 Payable online at

                     Contact Information and Pinwheel Location:
                 Individual’s Name                               Business Name

                 Address                                         Town            State    Zip Code

                 Phone                                           E-Mail

                 Website URL                                     Facebook URL

                     *Pinwheel Location Choice:

                     Please deliver my pinwheels to  Please use my pinwheels for     Other- please specify
                     my place of business            the community-wide pinwheel
                                                     planting on April 10, 2024

                   Please return this form, along with payment and a digital copy of your logo to:
                   CASA of Caroline, 114 Market St., Suite #100, Denton, MD 21629
                   You can pay online or or by using the QR code
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