Page 6 - February 2021 Issue.indd
P. 6
New Administrator looking for an administrator. I looked
into the position and the more I found
Named for Camp out about it, the more it sounded like
Mardela somewhere I could continue what I had
started; somewhere where I could reach
By John P. Evans III out to children and make a diff erence
in their lives and in them fi nding their
Camp Mardela in Denton has a new own way in their religious awakening;
administrator, a young Brethren woman somewhere I could continue my own
whose recent humanitarian trip around ministry,” she said. “Once I got here, I
the world adds to her qualifi cations for realized what a beautiful place this is;
the position. the natural surrounding is so peaceful.”
Jennifer Summy, a Harrisburg, PA native During her recently-completed year-
and graduate of Lebanon Valley College long mission, Summy visited the
in Pennsylvania, began her new position following countries, each one for a
on January 1. She replaces Gieta Gresh, month: Colombia, Ecuador and Peru in me when it comes to raising money for
who had held the position since 2005. South America; India and Nepal in Asia; Camp Mardela,” said Summy.
Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia She attended and later worked at
Summy said in a phone interview
in Africa; and finally, she traveled to Camp Swatara in Bethel, PA for seven
that she sees her new position as an
Romania, Portugal and Spain in Europe. summers, three as a camper and four as
opportunity to continue a ministry she
a counselor.
nurtured while on a year-long mission ‘’The biggest thing I learned is the
to 12 countries throughout the world incredible diversity of human beings. “I have a lot of fond memories of
referred to as the World Race. Included Even in our group of 40 people from camp,” said Summy. “My favorite thing
in her previous experience was being the United States, there were people who was experiencing the sacred camp fi re.
a camp counselor and bank teller. At had come from different cultures and That’s what I remember most about
Lebanon Valley, she earned a degree in everyday lives. It was really amazing to camp, those moments of deep spiritual
Music Business. She is currently working see the diff erent cultures.” connection and being in communion
on completing a Master’s Degree in with other people at the camp. I was at
Summy raised the funds needed for
Business Administration from Mount a young age and it was very powerful
her trip herself by calling on churches,
Vernon Nazarene University. She also in my faith.
business and friends near where she
has extensive experience in leading
lived, as well as where she attended
music and theater group, as well as “Brethren churches run deep in my
college. family,” she said. “Both my parents, Tim
advanced Spanish-speaking abilities.
and Felecia Summy, grew up in the
“I had to raise my own money in order
“I had heard from some friends I know Brethren church. In fact, they met at
to go on this trip. I feel it should benefi t
from this area that Camp Mardela was camp (Swatara).”