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A COVID-19 Related Caroline County Small Business
Economic Crisis Experience by Rich Warfi eld
The Caroline Review is Caroline’s Information Magazine Since contacted by email with requests for more information. To
1980. It is also a very small family business in Caroline county date, all we have received is an email note implying that we
with no employees that has been operating profitably and would not be eligible because the program gives $1,000 per
successfully since day one. As our authorities made decisions employee and we had indicated in the application that we had
in an effort to minimize the health effects of COVID-19, no employees. This was not clearly stated in the email message
there were significant economic impacts on this business but implied when reading between the lines.
that increased as restrictions were tightened. Fortunately,
our primary supplier (printer) was able to remain open. If At the date of printing, we have not received the $1,200
they had not been considered essential, it could have been promised by the authorities that will inevitably be paid by
disastrous, and we may not have been able to produce the April our children and grandchildren. Also, even though our
or May issues, disappointing many. Unfortunately, many of our authorities are saying that sole proprietors like us are entitled to
distribution outlets had to close indefinitely making it diffi cult Unemployment Insurance benefits, Maryland’s Unemployment
for us to make the magazine available to our community. Also, Insurance website does not have that capability. It was actually
many events normally advertised in April and May had to be entertaining to hear the spin. To paraphrase, Governor Hogan’s
cancelled or rescheduled reducing advertising and revenues representative said something like, “Sole proprietors are now
significantly causing us to cut costs to avoid a negative profi t able to submit their email address to be notified when they
margin. can apply for benefits.” Submitting our email address to the
state does not help us buy Cheerios at Food Lion. Fortunately,
Since our printer is still operating, we are able to produce the the Comptroller is telling us not to pay our bills…Seriously?
magazine at about a 35% reduction in revenue. If distributors
Our guess is that our authorities actually believe that what they
can reopen quickly, we should be back at normal capacity in
say is true and don’t realize that reality is quite diff erent. We
have not asked for and are not counting on any government
Though we are not even remotely interested in a Small Business assistance during this crisis period and, even more presciently,
Administration (SBA) loan, we did go to the SBA website and do not anticipate any.
apply for an SBA COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan
If you would like to share your experiences with our Caroline
to evaluate how it would work and what would be involved.
community like we have here, please go to CarolineReview.
After applying, we received a confirmation number indicating
com and give us your thoughts. Many of you will have diff erent
that our application had been received and that we would be
experiences; hopefully more positive. Unfortunately, we know
that many of our business associates have had much worse
Spring into a experiences during this economic crisis than we have had. We
New Style! know there are some suffering from this illness. All of us have
suffered from the economic impact. If you choose to do so,
Janet Dove, stylist thank you for sharing. Let us know if you have diffi culty with
making comments on the website. Stay well.
at Top Knot Salon
920 Gay St., Denton • 410-310-4586
Change in hours– please call for availability or Residential
your Real Estate
Amy J. Porter, EA needs.
Owner 410-924-4807
120 Deep Shore Road
Denton, MD 21629
Specializing in Bookkeeping, Training and Individual Mike Shipley Denton, MD 21629
and Small Business Tax Preparation 410-479-0777
Enrolled to practice before the Internal Revenue Service