Page 6 - September 2022 Issue.indd
P. 6

Caroline CASA                   Through their persistence and dedication, CASA volunteers

                                                                listen, solve problems and eliminate obstacles. Th ese actions
                            Court Appointed Special Advocate    are especially crucial this year, when children and families
                                                                are faced with additional unforeseen circumstances brought
                                                                on by the pandemic and changes in our economy. By
                               A Back-to-School Message
                                                                advocating for solutions that address issues with virtual
                                                                learning, transportation to and from school or services
            The months of August and September are full of the typical   through individualized education plans (IEP’s), CASA

            back-to-school preparations – stores displaying school   volunteers ensure the children they work with have access to
            supplies, teachers readying their classrooms, and children   the resources they need to learn.
            preparing to meet their teachers. This can be a difficult
                                                                Every child deserves a quality education and the opportunity
            transition period for all families. But the adjustment and   to learn and grow as a student. As children head back to school
            its associated anxiety are multiplied for a child who doesn’t
                                                                in this time of continued uncertainty, CASA of Caroline is
            have a strong support system. All kids need things like
                                                                grateful for our volunteers’ commitment to our shared vision
            school supplies, school clothes, lunch boxes, etc., but the
                                                                that every child is given the opportunity to thrive. Having
            needs become more complicated for kids in foster care who   caring, consistent adults listen and put the child’s best interests
            are frequently moved between districts. When a child’s life

                                                                before all others can make all the difference! Do you want to
            is taken over by the chaos of the child welfare system, these
                                                                make a difference and “Change a Child’s Story”? CASA of

            things can easily fall through the cracks, making the role of
                                                                Caroline is accepting applications for the next pre-service
            a CASA volunteer more essential than ever.  Children with a   training program, scheduled to begin at the end of September.
            Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) are more likely to
                                                                To learn more or to apply, please visit
            succeed in school than kids who are in the foster care system
                                                                or contact Amy Horne at 410-479-8301 or casacaroline100@
            with nobody to speak up for them.
            CASA volunteers provide a source of support and stability for

                                                                The Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention funded this project under
            more than 271,000 children nationwide. A CASA volunteer   sub-award number CJAC-2019-0004 and VOCA-2018-0063. All points of view
            is frequently the one constant amidst the changes in a child’s   in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the

            life. They can be a friend, a listening ear, and maybe even a   offi  cial position of any State or Federal Agency. This project is supported by a

            source of advice as the child navigates the new school year.     grant from the Maryland Judiciary’s Administrative Office of the Courts number
            They also advocate for the best interests of the child, including

            the child’s educational needs. By building relationships with
            everyone who has a hand in the child’s education—parents,
            foster parents, teachers, social workers, school counselors and
            others—our volunteers provide critical insights that can have
            a direct impact on a child’s educational success. Children in
            foster care often face additional educational challenges and

            are more likely to fall behind in school. However, CASA
            volunteers advocating in the courtroom improve school
            outcomes by recommending resources, tools and services to   15945 Henderson Rd
            keep the child on track. The volunteer advocates for stability   Goldsboro, MD

            and provides focused attention on the child’s needs, in the
            classroom and beyond.                                410.482.7110
             Calvary Baptist Church                              410.482.9029 FAX            New&
                   1120 Market St., Denton • 410-924-6404
                   Options: Rear Seats Paint,
                                                                 Windshield, Rims & Tires,
                            Don Reynolds, Pastor
                                                                 Lights, Tops, Utility Boxes
                        10 AM  Sunday Bible School – All ages    We can rebuild your cart’s engine,
                        11 AM  Exciting Praise / Worship         install new batteries and fix major
                               Also, great Junior Church (5-11 yrs.)  and minor problems.
                          7 PM  Sunday Evening Worship &
                               Children’s Class                   Most  parts and accessories
                          7 PM  Wednesday Bible Studies             available for EZ-GO.
                       Let us Always Be Found Faithful                                            A Textron Company
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