Page 2 - June 2020 Issue.indd
P. 2
Denton Rotary Expanded
The Flag
Flags for Heroes Observances
by Stacy Twigg
The annual Flags for new, and then return to the regularly
Heroes display presented scheduled Veterans Day timetable. If This flag of red and white and blue
by the Denton Rotary will feature an you are interested in commemorating May not mean very much to you.
added twist this year. Typically, American the selfless actions of a veteran, someone But as for me this banner flies
flags dedicated to the memory, service, currently in military service, an inde-
or commitment of friends and loved fatigable volunteer, a first responder, And with its mighty voice it cries
ones have been erected by the club at the or other impactful person in your life, Out to peoples far and near
intersection of Route 404 and River Road please contact Ann Jacobs (443-496- To proclaim our freedom here.
(the Wright Farm) near West Denton 1755; to regis-
as well as on the courthouse green in ter. Sponsorships are $25 per flag per
downtown Denton for two weeks each two-week observance and for $10 more A small beginning, I agree,
coinciding with both Memorial Day and will feature a placard to describe the But like the acorn to the tree.
Veterans Day. Plans have changed in contributions of the honoree. Thirteen states we had at first,
2020, however, as a result of the COVID-
Sponsorship of the Flags for Heroes But as our country grew, our thirst
19 pandemic. Th e flag display will now
celebration benefits the Rotary Club For land and freedom did not stop.
honor heroes on three separate occasions.
Community Fund, which reinvests the That land did well: produced a crop
While the Rotary is optimistic that Coro- entirety of the proceeds into area phil-
navirus restrictions will be lifted prior to anthropic causes. The organization helps For countries of the world to share
Memorial Day weekend, no guarantees financially support a variety of regional And then they knew our flag was fair.
can be made about the accessibility of efforts, including the Imagination Library,
this first display. Nonetheless, the club is Scout Troop 165, Lifetime Well Drilling And underneath this starry wing
committed to following social distancing in Africa, academic scholarships, and a
protocol in order to place the flags at the yearly career fair for local tenth graders, Foreign peoples help to sing
traditional Market Street location in late among other major projects. Th e names The greatest story ever told,
May as members feel doing so would of sponsors are published in local media The story of our country bold.
provide a morale boost to local citizens as to thank those who participated in the Of its birth into the world
well as salute essential area workers even Flags for Heroes campaign.
if the tribute can ostensibly be viewed by And of it wondrous flag unfurled.
The Denton Rotary hopes that members
most through pictures at that time. And o’er the world there ne’er
of the community will take time to will stand
Hopefully, the COVID-19 quarantines visit and refl ect upon the fl ags while on
will be a memory by July. It is the plan of display this year. The flag of any other land
the club to do its conventional sponsored That will mean as much to me
displays surrounding the Independence As this flag of liberty.
Day holiday at both locations, which is
Thank give our heartfelt thanks to everyone who is daily serving
Members of Christ Episcopal Church in Denton want to
needs and health concerns during this most challenging
You and stressful time. We recognize the fact that this is what
you do during normal times. And even in this most serious
and unprecedented pandemic, you continue with grace and fortitude
to serve during the worst of times.
Your service, commitment, and courage have been a gift to all, and truly,
an example to be admired. You have our deepest gratitude; please know
that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Also included in our prayers
hrist E
Christ Episcopal Churchh are those enduring countless other personal challenges including loss
al Churc
107 Ga y Stree of jobs,income, and access to normal schooling.
107 Gay Streett
Denton, MDMD
D enton ,
410-479-0419 May God be with us all.