Page 46 - December 2020 Issue.indd
P. 46

Community Calendar                                   com or visit Facebook at “Preston
                                                                                 Historical Society.” Masks must be worn
                                                                                 and social distancing observed while on
            MONDAYS                            SATURDAYS                         the PHS campus. PHS is located at 167
            The Ridgely Lions meet on the 2nd   Caroline County Rural Life Museum,   Main Street in Preston, the parking lot
            and 4th Mondays of each month at the   located at 16 N. 2nd St., Denton is open   is accessed from Harmony Road. As
            Ridgely United Methodist Church Social   every Saturday from 11 AM to 4 PM   always, admission is free.
            Hall at 107 Central Avenue in Ridgely at   until November 28. We adhere to all   Upper Shore Genealogical Society of
            6:30 PM. For more info on the Ridgely   Covid-19 regulations and you must   Maryland Research Center will open
            Lions go to or   wear a mask while in the Museum.   from 9 AM to 2 PM every Saturday
   lions club.   We do not provide masks. Contact:
            We are always seeking new members   410-479-2055 or www.carolinehistory.  (except for holiday weekends) through

            who are interested in serving their   org for additional information.  November. The Center will be closed the
            community.                                                           month of December.
                                               The Greensboro Historical Society
            TUESDAYS                           Museum, 104 E. Sunset Ave., is open     When doing research at the Center we
                                                                                 ask that everyone please practice safe
            Tuesday Bingo at Denton American   every other Saturday from 10-1.
                                                                                 standards of care, including wearing
            Legion Post 29. 7:30 PM. Snacks at   Presentations to follow every other   face masks and social distancing.
            break and computers available. Info 410   month. Also open by appointment. Our   The Center is located on the Denton/

            -479- 2708.                        mission is the preservation of our local
                                                                                 Greensboro Road, Rt. 313. Look for
                                               history and heritage, education and
            FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS                                                  the sign with the flag. The Research
                                               outreach to the greater Greensboro
            Federalsburg Museum, located at 100                                  Center offers many resources for
                                               community. Stop by to see local artifacts
            Covey & Williams Alley in Federalsburg,   and to learn about Greensboro of olden   family history and genealogy research.
            will reopen on Friday, August 7 from 10                              Volunteers are onsite to give advice and
                                               times. We also look forward to hearing
            AM to 2 PM and will resume hours                                     help in your genealogy research. The
                                               your memories of old Greensboro
            on Fridays and Saturdays from 10-2.                                  Research Center houses many books
                                               and your thoughts on how best to
            There are several new exhibits open.                                 and other related materials for purchase.
                                               preserve the history and heritage of
            The amazing exhibit of a reconstructed   our community. Masks must be worn   Also, students will find materials to

            doctors office is the one we are most   and social distancing observed.  do history projects for school. For
            proud of, it is the office of Dr. Noble                              more information, visit our web site at
            whose house was built in 1810 and   Preston Historical Society’s Museum,
            stood on the North corner of Maple   167 Main St, Preston will be open on   SECOND SATURDAYS
            Ave. and S. Main St. Contact: 443-434-  Saturdays from 10 AM until 2 PM. For   Giving Grace Food Pantry at Trinity
            3114.                              more information on the Society, visit its   United Methodist Church, Goldsboro.
                                               website at www.prestonhistoricalsociety.
                                                                                 Food available from 7 AM until. For
                                                                                 more information, call 302-270-1948.
                                                                                 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4
                                                                                 Friday Nite Dinner at Denton
                                                                                 American Legion Post #29, 9238
                                                                                 Legion Road. Call 410-479-2708 for

                                                                                 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11
                                                                                 Friday Nite Dinner at Denton
                                                                                 American Legion Post #29,  9238
                                                                                 Legion Road. 5-7 PM. Fish & Shrimp $8
                                                                                 for one or $12 for both.  Entertainment?
                                     Please Join Us the First and Third Sundays   Call 410-479-2708 for info.
                                      of every Month for Worship & Fellowship    SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13
                                     at 9:30 AM in the Talbot Evangelistic Church   Turkey Shoot at Denton American
                                    South Hall,  6099 Ocean Gateway, Trappe, MD  Legion Post #29, 9238 Legion Road. 1
                                                                                 PM start. Info 410-479-2708.
                                              For more information:
                                        MONDAY DECEMBER 14
                                          or           Ridgely Lions Club meets at 6:30 PM

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