Page 38 - May 2023 Issue.indd
P. 38

Being the Bandit                 my desire to see all the national parks,   do it.” I then hope they never google the
                                               visit all the counties, and so on defi nes   context of that line. I announce to people
                                               who I am and gives me a peace that I did   in professional historian circles that
                     by Chad Dean
                                               not have before starting these journeys   “when you tell somebody something,
                                               back in 2006. I suppose the first of two   it depends on what part of the country

            Me as a Riverview Middle School-aged   beagles I adopted that year and my wife/  you’re standing in as to just how dumb
            kid watching Smokey and the Bandit for   toddler grant me some degree of serenity   you are” to casually see if they recognize

            the first time: “This is the greatest movie   that I did not know existed prior to their   the quote but also to coyly ascertain

            ever made.”                        arrival in my life as well.       if they understand just how true that
                                                                                 colloquialism is. I got a hound just like
            Me as a grownup, proudly showing my   So here is what I was trying to say   the dog Fred that accompanies Snow-
            wife Smokey and the Bandit for her   through the above quote before I inter-  man throughout the film.  I no-showed

            first time: “This is the greatest movie   rupted myself: from the very fi rst time   a family birthday party so I could attend
            ever made.”                        I saw Smokey and the Bandit, I thought   a Jerry Reed concert at Sailwinds in
                                               to myself: “This is the America I want.” I

            I can’t vouch for others, but if I knew                              Cambridge. I could go on all day but
                                               wasn’t of driving age yet, but racing from
            a genie or someone who owned a time                                  I only have so much space; I believe it
                                               Atlanta to Texarkana and back seemed
            machine, I’d go back to 1977. So much                                is abundantly clear that I identify as
                                               like an incredibly satisfying road trip.
            of my cultural identity was forged in                                a Bandit and therefore my pronouns
                                               Quite frankly, to this day any road trip
            that year, despite the minor technicality                            are 10-4/Good Buddy. Maybe Denton
                                               sounds like a fun one to me, but add
            of not yet being born. Just off                                              will permit me to hold my own
            the top of my head, the Tampa                                                festival this spring, but more
            Bay Buccaneers won their                                                     on that idea a little later.
            first game, Margaritaville was

                                                                                         My attempt at glory materi-
            released by Jimmy Buff ett, the
                                                                                         alized in 2006. I was still in
            Lynyrd Skynyrd plane crash
                                                                                         graduate school, teaching six
            happened, and Elvis Presley
                                                                                         classes at the top-rated college
            (allegedly) died. Th ough that
                                                                                         prep institution in Maryland,
            latter pair of tragic events
                                                                                         coaching their Model United
            continues to be mourned by
                                                                                         Nations team to victory, train-
            Southrons, there is an espe-
                                                                                         ing my puppy on how to be
            cially pleasant memory that
                                                                                         a good dog, and more, so I
            will forever be cherished by
                                                                                         logistically had not yet been
            those same folk in an effort
                                                                                         able to pursue any marathon
            to balance the good and the
                                                                                         cross-country travels. Milwau-
            bad: Smokey and the Bandit
                                                                                         kee was as far west as I had
            premiered on May 19, 1977.
                                                                                         been, and quite frankly, that
                                      Dean visiting the Burt Reynolds and Friends Museum in Jupiter,
            I will explain why Caroline                                                  entire state (with the excep-
                                      FL, in 2010.
            Countians should care towards                                                tion of Wisconsin cheese) was
            the end of the column, but in the mean-                                      wholly unremarkable. The
            time, let me justify my lifelong fascina-  in the danger and adventure of a high-  stars aligned, however, that December:
            tion. Naturally, Burt Reynolds as Bo   speed chase and the high-stakes gamble   Christmas fell in such a way that it gave
            Darville put it best as he was trying to   of attempting to deliver 400 cases of   school employees the maximum number
            convince his partner in crime, country   bootlegged Texas Coors beer to a stock   of days possible for the holiday break.
            singer Jerry Reed, aka a tractor trailer   car event in Georgia as the terms of a   I decided, rather immediately after
            driver named Snowman, to accept the   bet is the most Southern, if not most   receiving the 2006-2007 work calendar,
            challenge that is the premise for the   American, thing you’ll ever experience   that I was going to retrace the route
            entire film: “For the good old American   on fi lm. Disregard the entire history of   depicted in Smokey and the Bandit.

            life -- for the money, for the glory, and   the Academy Awards.      Sort of. In the interests of full disclo-
            for the fun...mostly for the money.”
                                               I wanted in. So to this day, if we are   sure, technically that feat is impossi-
            To be clear, I have made very little off  of   traveling, whatever roadside diner we   ble to accomplish for two reasons: for
            any travel quest I have ever written about   stop to eat at is immediately a “choke   starters, though I treat the movie as a
            in the Caroline Review or anywhere else.   and puke” to me no matter the quality.   documentary depicting an ideal South-
            Some people drink, some people smoke,   Channeling my inner Buford T. Justice,   ern lifestyle, in actuality the film is a

            and some people are addicted to tattoos,   I warn my students in the following   work of [gasp!] fiction and was fi lmed
            but as for me, my disposable income   way when going over certain classroom   almost in its entirety outside of Atlanta.
            goes toward road trips. With that said,   rules: “You can think about it...but don’t   Secondly, the Interstate Highway System
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