Page 27 - April 2023 Issue.indd
P. 27

Caroline’s Best Nonprofi t         Rising Star/ New Business         Chamber Ambassador
            Aaron’s Place                      Caroline’s in Denton              Shore United Bank &
            This award recognizes a non-profit   Chelsea Powell Photography & Craft    Purple Peake CBD
            that has made a significant impact   Bakery & Cafe                   An ambassador performs a wide variety

            on Caroline County and its residents   This award recognizes a business that   of duties in the Chamber, but their
            over the past year. The organization   has been operating for less than three   main function is to help promote the

            demonstrates strong governance and   years. The business has demonstrated   Chamber, welcome new Members to the
            executive leadership, excellent fi nancial   strong potential via growth, innovation,   Chamber, and make Chamber events
            stability and transparency, executes   and leadership during the fi rst years of   successful and enjoyable for everyone.

            ethical fundraising practices and   operation. Additionally, the business   They are special people who volunteer
            demonstrates exceptional client service.   has demonstrated active community   their time to help promote the Caroline
                                               involvement.,                     County business community and
            Innovation Excellence
                                                                                 support chamber functions.
            Farm to Fork Fresh

            This award is given to a business that                               Wishing you a very happy spring!
            has adopted an innovative strategy or
            business practice or has launched an            Don’s Tree Farm
            innovative product that brings new
            solutions to market. The innovation
            should have caused significant
            improvement to existing processes,                            FAST GROWING
            products, or services - either internally
            or in the marketplace.                              PRIVACY EVERGREENS
            Excellence in Agriculture
            Cawley Family Farm                                       Open Sat & Sun 10-2;  Mon-Fri by Appt
            This award is presented to an
            agricultural or environmental-based                 Green Giants  •  Emerald Green  •  Spruce
            business that has shown positive growth,            Schip Laurel  •  Leyland  • Hollies  •  Pine
            sales, leadership, and/or outstanding
            contributions to the advancement of                  Drive a little,
            the agricultural industry in Caroline                 Save a lot!     DELIVERY AVAILABLE
            County; or has recently launched a new                                   Eastern Shore's Finest
            product or agricultural management
            practice.                                             STOP           Christmas Trees & Evergreens
                                                                 PAYING         6396 Hickman Rd, Greenwood, DE
                                                                 RETAIL                  302-349-0555


                                                                                                Blood Pressure
                                      Spring           i s t h                                  Vitamin B-12
                                                  is the season
                                           of new beginnings...
                                           of new beginn                                        Nutritional
                                         ...time to be the                                      Blood Analysis
                                                                                                Diet Medication
                                               new YOU!                                         Multi-Vitamins

                                                                                                Weigh in on body
                                                                                                fat composition
                                          Chester River Weight Loss Center
              Affordable            1 mile south of Chester River Bridge   Chestertown, MD 410-778-9215    MEDICALLY
                 & Safe                                   
                           OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE FOR SUB-LEASE.                                SUPERVISED
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