Page 10 - July 2023 Issue.indd
P. 10

Critical Repairs Caroline County (CRCC)
                    Providing Minor Home Repairs and Relocatable Ramps

            Critical Repairs Caroline County   air, all of which improve the quality of   was no longer needed by another
            (CRCC) is a nonprofit organization   life for the couple.            family we had helped previously.
            whose mission is to provide minor but                                (This is not always possible so we
                                               CRCC was able to use one of our
            critical home repairs and relocatable                                often have to purchase the ramps
            aluminum wheelchair ramps for      relocatable aluminum ramps that   using private donations and grants).
            residents of Caroline County                                                The ramp was installed at
            who are in need of fi nancial                                               the home several weeks ago

            assistance. This mission allows                                             by CRCC volunteers, and
            residents to safely remain in                                               we are currently looking for
            their homes as long as possible.                                            a donation of a wheelchair
            CRCC’s funding is dependent                                                 lift  for their vehicle, or a lift
            upon donations from regional                                                at a reduced price. Monica
            businesses, community                                                       recently sent the following
            groups,  private philanthropic                                              message as a response to
            organizations such as the                                                   being told we were actively
            Caroline Foundation, and                                                    searching for the lift :
            most importantly, donations
                                                                                        “Thank you so much!! That
            from just plain folks like you.
                                                                                        would be so awesome if that
            CRCC has been building                                                      would happen. We went to
            working partnerships with                                                   the grocery store in Denton
            Upper Shore Aging, Caroline                                                 the other day and we had to
            Social Services, the Lions                                                  get three electric wheelchairs
            Club and other local groups                                                 because they were all running
            in an effort to network and                                                 out of electric……..which
            determine which group is                                                    made our shopping trip that
            in the best position to help                                                much longer and he was
            those in need. A recent case                                                tired and worn out by the
            highlights both the need for,                                               end of our trip. So this would
            and the benefits of, this collaborative                              be a wonderful thing on top of the

            approach. A couple in Caroline                                       wonderful gift of the ramp that he
            County, Michael and Monica Quidas,                                   is getting so much enjoyment out of
            contacted the Lion’s Club looking for                                already!!! We are so truly thankful to
            assistance with a ramp for their house                               all of you for everything that you have
            and a wheelchair lift to help get Michael                            done for us and for so many others. We

            in and out of both the house and their                               are more than OK with you sharing
            vehicle. The Lions Club representative                               our story! We want to help others as

            contacted CRCC to seek assistance                                    well if we can.”
            with providing a ramp. A meeting at                                  Applications for assistance are
            the home revealed that Michael has
                                                                                 available on the CRCC website,
            multiple illnesses that have left  him                     , or call 443-924-
            unable to work and unable to climb
            steps without significant assistance                                 6068 to discuss how we can help you.
            from his wife, resulting in an unsafe                                And if you want to help your
            situation for both of them. He has                                   neighbors in Caroline County, all
            an electric wheelchair but needed a                                  donations and volunteer efforts are
            ramp to access the house and to get                                  greatly appreciated and go directly to
            to and from doctors’ appointments,                                   providing residents in need with a safe
            shopping, and getting outside for fresh                              home environment.

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