Page 50 - July 2023 Issue.indd
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during that 30 days of your Birthday and the seniors will be able to use their special attention to your face, nose, ears,
month to save money! coupons right on the bus. This is also and shoulders.
open for any Farmer’s Market coupon
Just remember that as you age, once you booklet holder. We have many crafts Wear protective clothing. A hat with
have decreased your coverage, you will scheduled for July. a wide brim can shade your neck, ears,
never be able to increase it again. Your eyes, and head. Look for sunglasses
future healthcare needs really should July Birthday’s that block 99 to 100 percent of the sun’s
be the priority when considering a Connie Taylor, July 1; Ruby Johnson, rays. If you must be in the sun, wear
change in coverage. Remember that July 2; Keith Jones, July 8; Adeline a lightweight, long-sleeved shirt and
a beneficiary who currently has an Johnson, July15, Bessie Faulker, July 26. long pants.
“N”, cannot increase coverage and
switch from an “N to a “G”. This is due Drink plenty of liquids, especially if
to “N” coverage including provider, Medical Adult it’s hot outside. Water and fruit juices
services, and Emergency Room out are good options. Avoid caffeine and
of pocket co-pays, whereas “G” covers Day Care alcohol.
all care co-pays. That change would be
Keep in mind additional risk factors
increasing coverage and is therefore not by Carole Friend LMSW brought on with warmer temperatures
and summer heat. Risk of heat-related
The Caroline Medical Adult Day health problems increases with age. It is
Finally, for those under 65 and on
disability, the Birthday rule allows you Care would like to share some helpful important to understand the health risks
to switch from a “C” to an “A” with information from The National Institute that excessive heat can bring and know
on Aging concerning Summer Safety. the signs of heat-related illnesses. Older
another company. The same rules of no
medical underwriting questions apply, adults and people with chronic medical
Summertime Fun and Sun Safety
with the same smoking limitations. conditions are particularly susceptible
In the summertime there are many
to hyperthermia and other heat-related
outdoor activities to enjoy like fi shing,
Wishing all of Caroline County a Happy illnesses. The National Institute on
crabbing, boating, gardening or taking
Independence Day! God Bless America! Aging (NIA), part of the National
a walk, just to name a few. No matter
Institutes of Health, offers advice to
Caroline Senior Center which activity you choose, be sure to help combat the dangers of hot weather.
play it safe in the sun! The National
Happy July 4th from everyone at the Institute on Aging has the following tips Heat stress, heat fatigue, heat syncope
Caroline Senior Center! to keep your skin healthy: (sudden dizziness after exercising in the
heat), heat cramps and heat exhaustion
July is Social Wellness Month, so Limit your time in the sun. Try to stay are all forms of hyperthermia.
break out of your fixed routine and out of the sun between 10 AM and 4 PM
vow to meet new people by joining a when the sun’s rays are the strongest. Hyperthermia is caused by a failure of
Senior Center. This is a perfect time to Don’t be fooled by cloudy skies. The the body’s heat-regulating mechanisms.
celebrate Social Wellness Month and sun’s rays pass through clouds. You also The risk of hyperthermia can increase
fellowship with other seniors with a can get sunburned if you’re in the water, with the combination of higher
BBQ on July 3rd at 11 AM. If you can’t so be careful when in a pool, lake, or temperatures, underlying general
make the BBQ, we also will be having the ocean. health, and individual lifestyle.
a Dutch lunch out this month on July
Use sunscreen. Put sunscreen on 15-30 Lifestyle factors that can increase
11 to Cracker Barrel. If you would like
minutes before you go outside. Use a risk include not drinking enough
to join us, meet the bus at 10:45 AM or
sunscreen with an SPF (sun protective fluids, living in housing without air
meet us at the restaurant at 11 AM.
factor) number of 15 or higher. It’s conditioning, lack of mobility and
It’s also a good time to start our exercise best to choose sunscreens with “broad access to transportation, overdressing,
classes with Tyrell James. To join spectrum” on the label. “Water resistant” visiting overcrowded places and not
this class, please call the Center. The sunscreen stays on your skin even if understanding how to respond to hot
Caroline Senior Center is always having you get wet or sweat a lot, but it isn’t weather conditions.
a fun craft every Tuesday at 10 AM. waterproof.
On hot and humid days, especially
Farmer’s Market coupons have been
Reapply sunscreen. You’ll need to when an air pollution alert is in eff ect,
handed out and we are sending out a
reapply your sunscreen about every two older adults, particularly those with
big thank you to Shore Gourmet for
hours, and you’ll need to put it on more chronic medical conditions, should stay
the Farmer’s Market mobile unit again
often if you’re swimming, sweating, or indoors in cooler places. If possible,
this year! This year the mobile unit will rubbing your skin with a towel. Pay
carry fresh produce from Harris Farms people without air conditioners or fans