Page 22 - August 2024 Issue Web.pdf
P. 22

DOLLARS AND SENSE                                        by Tolbert Rowe

                        First Time Home Buying Gets Tougher and Tougher

            As discussed in the June 2024, issue,   transaction, the buyer, and the seller.   a cafeteria menu, a buyer could pick
            buyers are now responsible for paying   This is not to say that they have not   and choose exactly what services they
            their agents’ commissions. No longer   been doing this all along. This new   would prefer, instead of a commission
            are sellers allowed to pay the buyers   ruling requires agents to be more   based on the sale price of the property,
            real estate agent as a condition of   specific and transparent in everything   as it has been.
            having their property listed on    they do to facilitate a sale of real estate
            a Multiple Listing Service. As of   for their respective party.      If you are a buyer, you need to review
            August 17, 2024, real estate agents                                  and understand the buyer agent
                                               Buying a home and using the services   agreement, the services you will be
            are required to have a signed buyer
                                               of a real estate agent will require you to   receiving, and exactly how the agent
            agency agreement executed prior to
                                               pay your respective agent. For the last   will be paid. You, the buyer can pay it
            showing property to potential buyers.
                                               40 years sellers have understood that   entirely. You can ask the seller to pay
            As I write this in mid July, we have not
                                               the fee they were being charged for   it entirely. Or the fee can be shared.
            seen the new buyer agency agreement
                                               selling their property included paying   Anything other than the buyer paying
            approved by the Maryland Association
                                               the party responsible for bringing a   it in full will be negotiated in the
            of Realtors.
                                               buyer to the transaction, the buyers   contract.
            What we do know is that real estate   agent. This total fee was traditionally
            agents who work with buyers will   5%-6% and split equally between the   Keep in mind that every dollar of
            have to justify the fee that they will be   listing agent and the selling agent.  the buyer agents commission that
            receiving.  Sellers will only be allowed                             the seller agrees to pay is reducing
                                               Under the new guidelines, the listing   the amount of net proceeds they
            to pay their agents’ fee for their
                                               agent fee and the selling agent fee are   will receive after all costs of the sale
            services. Sellers cannot be required
                                               established separately in the listing   have been deducted. Your agent will
            to agree to pay any of the buyers’
                                               agreement and the buyer agency    discuss with you how this could put
            commissions or fees as a condition
                                               agreement. The buyer’s agent cannot   your offer at a disadvantage if other
            of having the property information
                                               receive compensation that exceeds   contracts are submitted without seller
            included in a Multiple Listing Service.
                                               the fee agreed to in the buyer agency   financial contribution. This will have a
            This does not mean that the seller is
                                               agreement. This effectively eliminates   disproportionate impact on first time
            “prohibited” from paying the buyers
                                               any bonus to a buyer agent.       homebuyers who traditionally have
            agent. If negotiated in a contract of
            sale and the seller agrees to pay any or                             limited funds. I do not believe that this
                                               All these changes require real estate
            all the buyer agents fee, it is acceptable.                          ask will be a surprise to sellers since
                                               agents to explain and disclose in more
                                                                                 their listing agent will have alerted
                                               detail exactly what services they are
            All the changes we are seeing forces                                 them of the possibility.
                                               going to provide. It is possible that a
            real estate agents to justify their
                                               real estate agent could charge specific   Now more than ever, regardless of how
            compensation from each party in the
                                               fees for specific services. Much like   a buyer compensates the agent, it is
                                                                                 extremely important to have all your
                                                                                 financing in place before you make
                                                                                 your offer.
              “Your Mortgage Consultant Since 1985”
             Purchase or Refinance                                               Historically, buyers have been pre-
                                                                                 approved for a mortgage where a
                                                                                 lender or loan officer has reviewed
                                                                                 pertinent financial information of the
                                                                                 buyer and determined that they are
                                                                                 qualified for a specific loan amount
             115 E Dover St. Ste 3 - Easton, MD                                  using a certain loan program. It does
                                                                                 not mean that the buyer is actually
                    C. Tolbert Rowe,
           NMLS         Vice President/Lending  “approved” for a loan. Detailed
                                               182844                            documentation and credit have not
                                                                                 been reviewed and submitted to
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