Page 10 - March 2023 Issue
P. 10

Findings of                      while confidence and optimism about   views related to their specifi c industries

                                               long-term survival is positive.   and on issues from labor supply to
                Latest Eastern                                                   regulations.
                                               These trends are among the findings
               Shore    Business               of the latest Eastern Shore Business   Results include:
             Sentiment Survey                  Sentiment Survey conducted through a   The 12-month outlook for business
                                               partnership with Salisbury University’s   conditions in participants’ respective

                                               Business Economic and Community   counties is significantly lower than in
               By Debbie Bowden, Director,     Outreach Network (BEACON), SU’s   December 2021. When asked to predict
                Caroline County Economic       Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative   the business conditions in their counties
                                               (ESRGC), and Caroline County      and the Eastern Shore, 38% responded
                 Development and Tourism
                                               Economic Development.             that they believe economic conditions
                              (This month, I   The December 2022 results represent the   will worsen, compared to 23% in

                              want to share    fourth report released by BEACON. Th e   December 2021.
                              an article from   first survey in the series was conducted   Businesses are generally confi dent about

                              Salisb ur y      in June 2021, with a follow-up in   their operation on a longer horizon.
                              U n i v er si ty   December 2021, and the most recent   Nearly 86% believe their firm will be
                              on a Business    report in June 2022.              operating locally in the next fi ve years,
                              S e n t imen t                                     with just 6% predicting business will not
                              Survey results.   The survey included more than 50   be operating locally five years from now.

            I hope you find the information    questions, asking business leaders to
            interesting. The next survey will be in   weigh in on a range of topics, from   Respondents assessed labor force

            June 2023.)                        general business concerns to conditions   issues as the most significant barrier
                                               in their own industries. Respondents   to expanding in their sector, followed
            Eastern Shore business owners and

                                               evaluated business conditions locally,   by inflation then finances and funding.
            managers’ recent uncertainty about the
                                               regionally, in the state and nationwide   The highest barrier to starting a new
            economy remains in the short term,
                                               for the coming year. Th ey also shared   business in their specific sectors was

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