Page 50 - March 2023 Issue
P. 50
Caroline Homeless the Federalsburg Library, Laurel hundred bottles of water. A variety
Grove Apartments and Kinnamon’s of items were generously donated by
Board Hosts Store in Greensboro. Aaron’s Place, Choptank Transport and the Caro-
Community Aetna Better Health of MD, CareFirst line County community members at
BlueCross BlueShield Community large to be given to Caroline County
Resource Day Health Plan, Caroline County Health families in need. Items ranged from
Department, Medical Assistance and diapers, formula, baby food, tuna fi sh
Caroline Cares, the Homeless Board Wellness Programs, Caroline County pouches, scarfs, hats, coats, gloves,
for Caroline County, held a Commu-
Department of Social Services (RISE shoes, and personal hygiene items.
nity Resource Day at St. Luke’s United & NPEP Programs), Caroline County North Caroline High School’s National
Methodist Church on Wednesday,
OHEP, Caroline County Public Honor Society held a diaper and wipe
January 25, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Library, Caroline County Public drive to donate to this event. Caroline
Immediately prior to the start of
Schools, Caroline Judy Center Early County Detention Center assisted with
the event, Stefanie Johnson, Execu- Learning (Federalsburg & Greens- the distribution of fliers to market the
tive Director of His Hope Ministries
boro), Caroline Local Care Team and event.
asked everyone to join in a moment Caroline Collective Impact Initiative,
of silence to remember Lynn Keckler, The Federalsburg VFW made a gener-
Chesapeake Multicultural Resource
past Director of His Hope Ministries. Center, Choptank Community Health, ous cash donation to purchase zero
A dozen roses and a photo collage degree sleeping bags to be given to
Choptank Electric Cooperative, Inc.,
were also displayed in her memory. Choptank Recovery, Combined homeless individuals with a priority
As attendees arrived at the event, they to be given to homeless Veterans in
Technology Solutions, Corsica River
were greeted at the registration table Mental Health Services/Crossroads Caroline County. Th e Denton Rotary
by Caroline County Department of also provided a donation to assist with
Community, Inc., Delmarva Power,
Social Services staff members who gave For All Seasons, Gideons Interna- the provision of items.
them directions. Point in Time (PIT)
tional, Greensboro Head Start, His The Caroline Homeless Board would
Surveys were conducted for those Hope Ministries, Martin’s House and
deemed to be homeless or at risk of like to thank everyone for coming
Barn, Maryland Coalition of Families, together to make this a successful
becoming homeless. A bag lunch and Maryland MVA, Mid Shore Commu-
drink were provided compliments of community event. Huge thanks to all
nity Mediation Center, Mid Shore who sponsored and donated items,
Hospitality Ministries and Church
Council on Family Violence, Mid their time, and services. A special
Events Committee of St. Luke’s United
Shore Pro Bono, Office of the Public thanks to St. Luke’s United Method-
Methodist Church. The Youth Minis-
Defender, Seedco/Maryland Health ist Church and staff for providing the
tries group helped as well.
Connection, Shore United Bank, Town space and extra eff orts to help set up
Many local organizations and agencies of Greensboro/Greensboro Connects and clean up. Special thanks to the
were present to offer their resources Initiative, TRIO Upward Bound, and Denton Rotary for their members’ help
and services to those in attendance. Upper Shore Workforce Scholarship to break down the room and clean up
Delmarva Community Transit Office were among the vendors pres- after the event.
provided free roundtrip transporta- ent. In addition, complimentary hair-
tion with pick up locations throughout cuts were given by Salon 107. Eastern
the county; Walker’s Store in Marydel, Springs Water Company donated two