Page 18 - January 2021 Issue.indd
P. 18



                                 Court Appointed
                                Special Advocate

            2020 has taught us many lessons, and one of them is defi nitely
            how important it is to stay healthy.  Mind, body, soul, and
            spirit – getting and staying healthy means everything.  January
            is a time to reflect on the previous year and resolve to be
            healthier in the coming one. Many of us will make New Year’s
            Resolutions for physical self-improvement like quitting
            smoking, going to the gym, eating more fruits and vegetables.
            But there is one thing you can do to improve your physical,
            mental and spiritual health all at the same time. Volunteer.
            Volunteers make an immeasurable diff erence in the lives of
            others. But did you know that volunteering can benefi t your
            own health as well? From lowering stress to boosting self-  Now offering cleaning methods and products to

            confidence, research has shown that volunteering off ers many   protect your home or business that are approved

            health benefits.  According to the Corporation for National and   by the CDC and EPA in the fight against Covid-19.

            Community Service, a division of the U.S. Government, studies   Contact us so that we can create a customizable plan
            show there is a significant relationship between volunteering    for the disinfection of your home or business

            and good health. By volunteering, you are not only helping
            your community, you are increasing your chances for better
            overall health.                                                   For Over 25 years!

            The Mayo Clinic identifies six ways volunteering contributes           R esidential

            to better long-term health. First of all, it decreases depression   Residential & Commercial
                                                                            Construction Cleaning
                                                                            Construction Cleaning
            by increasing social interaction and creating a support system   Construction Cleaning
                                                                               Window Cleaning
            with people who share common interests. Second, volunteering       Window Cleaning
                                                                               Window Cleaning
            provides a sense of purpose and teaches valuable skills. Th ird,
                                                                             One time - Weekly   y
                                                                              One time - Weekly
                                                                              One time - Weekly
            it helps people remain mentally and physically active. Fourth,
                                                                            Bi-Weekly - Monthly or
                                                                                 Bi-Weekly or
                                                                                 Bi-Weekly or
            it may reduce stress levels by enhancing social networks and
                                                                            customize a schedule
            providing the opportunity to savor time spent in service to             Monthly
                                                                              that’s right for you!
            others. Volunteering may also contribute to living longer. Th e
            Longitudinal Study of Aging found that people who volunteer
            have lower mortality rates than those who don’t. And fi nally,
            volunteering is a great way to meet other people and make
                                                                    Details Cleaning Service
            new friends!
            The COVID-19 pandemic has created conditions for a
            potential rise in child abuse and neglect. Anxiety about health,
            education and finances is high. Children aren’t seeing teachers,   Owners: Chris &   FREE   Bonded &

                                                                  Shelly Macmillan    ESTIMATES       Insured
            counselors and other adults who normally raise concerns
            about their well-being.  The role of a CASA volunteer is more   800-482-8009  •  443-867-7330  • 443-867-7331

            vital now than ever. Volunteers are the backbone of CASA
            of Caroline. They are the advocates who represent the best   whose world has been turned upside down. They are the ones

            interests of an abused or neglected child in the courts. Th ey   who “Change a Child’s Story”.
            are the ones who help a child navigate the legal system. Th ey
                                                                Experts say that volunteering just 1-2 hours/week can make a
            are the ones who provide stability in the life of a child in foster

                                                                difference in an individual’s overall health. CASA of Caroline
            care.  They are the ones who are by the side of a child or youth

                                                                says that it can also make a tremendous difference in the life
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