Page 8 - December 2022 Issue.indd
P. 8

December Brings                  2022 has been rough for small businesses,   on small business concerns. Also, Tara
                                                                                 Hill-Coursey, the county’s champion
                                               employers, and employees.
               2022 Refl ectons                                                   for tourism promoting the things to do
                                               I’ve seen some partially good news   and people to see in the county to those
                                               mixed in with the bad news highlighted
               By Debbie Bowden, Director,     above. We’ve had more small business   who visit here. And, I am grateful for the
                Caroline County Economic       start-up and next-stage-growth cases   partnerships I have with businesses and
                 Development and Tourism       than ever. Larger business growth in   organizations that help to make Caroline
                                               terms of capital expansion is better than   County such a fantastic place to have
                              December brings   it’s been in years. Anecdotally, some of   a business, have a family, and enjoy a
                                                                                 peaceful, safe life.
                              reflections of   the major employers in the County have
                              the previous 12   had banner years in terms of revenue   I hope everyone gets to enjoy times with
                              months, and I    and profits. But the positive outcomes   friends and family as we close out 2022

                              want to share    in the economy have been shadowed by   and start up 2023.
                              mine with you.   layoffs and closures.

                                                                                 For updates on any future business

                              This has been yet   2023 is probably not going to be any   support, please visit carolinebusiness.
            another interesting post-pandemic year   better. However, I am optimistic that   com, sign up for our newsletter, and
            and challenging in ways that seemed   the business community in Caroline   follow Caroline County Economic

            to have left many of us a bit breathless.   County will rally to survive whatever   Development on Facebook.
            Inflation at a 40-year high. Labor   economic policies, legislative agendas,
            market still as tight as ever. Resurgence   natural and man-made emergencies are   Caroline County Economic Development
            of COVID and other illnesses that are   thrown at them.              and Tourism is an offi  ce within Caroline
            impacting the workforce. Mid term                                    County government. Its mission is to
            elections. Maryland elections. Supply   I am so fortunate to work with an amazing   help businesses of all sizes thrive in the

            chain tight – then loose – then more   team. There’s Kendall Teague, who works   community. Debbie can be reached at
            expensive because of rising fuel costs.   with small businesses and entrepreneurs,   410-479-4188 or info@carolinebusiness.
                                               your go-to for information and support   com.

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