Page 28 - February 2024 Issue.indd
P. 28

Recreation & Parks               2 sessions: 4:30 – 5:30 PM or 6:00 – 7:00   Pre-registration: $32 for 5K, $17 for
                                               PM. 3-12 yrs, Sunday 2/18, Fretterd   1-Mile Fun Run. Add $5 aft er February
                                               Community Center, Gym, $40 per    23. Registration closes at 3 PM on
                Check out the complete list of
                                               couple, $5 each additional young lady  March 15. Shirts not guaranteed for
               classes and online registration
                                                                                 late registrations.
                  at    St. Paddy’s Day 5K and 1-Mile Fun
                                               Run & Lil’ Leprechaun Dash        Lil’ Leprechaun Dash
            SPECIAL EVENTS                     Join us for our 16th annual St. Paddy’s   Saturday, March 16
                                               Day Race! Start your salute to the Irish   Fretterd Community Center
            17th Annual Daddy/Daughter         and your spring fi tness  conditioning

            “Sweetheart Dance”                 on this certified fast and scenic course   Kick off the festivities with a 100-meter

            Escort your “princess” to our special   through Denton with a 5K and 1-Mile   dash down 4th Street exclusively for
            evening full of smiles, dancing and lots   Fun Run. Plenty of lucky surprises   youngsters ages 5 and under. Special
            of fun. Dad and his Little Princess will   await on the course and at the fi nish.     prizes for all fi nishers.
            enjoy dancing, games, refreshments,   Register anytime through our fi nish   $7 advance registration; $10 after
            and great music. The photo booth is   line production partner Seashore   February 23 or day of event. Dash at

            back again this year and will be the   Striders  at  www.seashorestriders.  8:40 before the St. Paddy’s Day event.
            souvenir picture they take home that   com. Early registrants are guaranteed
            night. A photographer will be at the   a commemorative performance tee.     To register for the St. Paddy’s Day Race,
            dance to take pictures that will be   This event benefits youth registration   please use the following link: https://

            available to order online (one free print   financial aid and scholarship fund

            will be mailed after the dance).  Register   for recreation programs produced by
            early for this very special evening.   CCRP.
            Registration deadline is February 9th

            or when spots fi ll.  The dance has a   Registration begins at 8 AM; race starts
            limited number of spots so sign those   at 9 AM, Fretterd Community Center.
            princesses up early!

                                                                     COMPLETE AUTO AND TRUCK

                                                                       SERVICE SHOP

                                                                    Monday-Friday    Rt. 480, Ridgely, MD
                                                                         8-5          410-634-1166

                                                                   Our goal is to offer the best services
                             Rob VanVessen, owner, operator      available at affordable prices to get you
                                                                       back on the road in no time.

                            MD STATE INSPECTIONS

                             ASE certified master techs with 30+ years
                             of experience to work on all makes and

                             Ford Certified Master Diesel Technician
                             to handle all of your power stroke needs.

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