Page 11 - June 2023 Issue.indd
P. 11

If you are looking to purchase a home and you have credit   GSE’s (Government Sponsored Enterprises) saw a 50% drop
            scores in the low to mid-600 range, you should consider   in loan volume.
            other loan programs like USDA, FHA, and VA. Th e interest
                                                                Assuming each GSE collects .375% in additional revenue on
            rate on these programs can be as much as .5 to .75 lower
                                                                $500,000,000,000 ($500 billion) in loan volume, they would
            than conventional loans, plus monthly mortgage insurance
                                                                receive $1.875 billion in additional annual revenue they didn’t
            premiums are lower than conventional loans. In the case of

                                                                have before this change. This is my unscientific estimate of

            VA loans there is no monthly mortgage insurance premium.
                                                                the net eff ect of the LLPS change to make my point. (To get
            To qualify for a VA loan, you must be a veteran. To qualify for   this number I had to get Google to do the math, I don’t have a
            USDA, your household income must be less than $121,350 for   calculator that would allow me to put in 11 zeros.)
            a family of four or less and $160,200 if you are a family of fi ve
            or more. FHA loans have no special eligibility qualifi cation                    (continued on next page)
            Monthly mortgage insurance payments are .55% for FHA   Atlantic Paving & Concrete
            loans and .35% for USDA loans. For our $285,000 loan the
            monthly premium would be $131 for FHA and $83 for USDA,          Meeting all your needs!

            both of which are significantly lower than the $194 or $218 for
            conventional Fannie and Freddie loans.                                     Asphalt  •  Concrete
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            I must also note that in addition to paying the monthly                 Grading  •  Snow Removal
            mortgage insurance premiums for USDA and FHA, there
            are required upfront mortgage insurance premiums of 1.0%                        Licensed, Bonded, Insured
                                                                  MHIC MD#85409
            for USDA and 1.75% for FHA. Both of these are financed   DE#2002110154          Office: 410-479-4477
            and added to the loan amount of $285,000. Regardless of this                   Mobile: 240-417-2033
            increase in loan amount the combination of lower interest        10025 Miller Rd,
                                                                              Denton, MD      FAX: 410-479-3877
            rates and mortgage insurance premiums makes it quite clear
            that very few lower credit score borrowers will benefi t from

            lower LLPA’s. They will use a different loan program altogether.

            There are many other moving parts with this increase of LLPA’s

            for higher score borrowers to subsidize a decrease of LLPA’s for
            lower credit score borrowers.  I do not want to go too deep into
            the weeds with individual credit score bracket changes because     the market is
            I believe my interpretation captures the essence of the issue.
            By this action the Biden administration is furthering its
            agenda of making the purchasing of a home more aff ordable.
            In response to the doubling of interest rates in the last 14-16
            months the LLPA change is a lot of noise with very little action.

            A more significant step was taken on March 20, when the FHA
            lowered the annual mortgage premium from .85% to .55%.
            Prior to March 20th the premium would have been $70 more
            or $201 than the $131 in our example.

            Under the guise of making housing more affordable this change
            will have no positive impact for those with lower credit scores
            purchasing a home, other loan programs will be a better option.
            But this change will have a significant impact on Fannie Mae

            and Freddie Mac’s bottom line.
                                                                                     10794 Greensboro Road
            Regardless of all the moving parts of this change and the              Denton, MD  410-479-4663
            politics of those doing the right thing paying for those who
            don’t, the bottom line is Fannie and Freddie will rake in .375%            www.TheBrenton
            more revenue.
            Fannie Mae’s volume of single-family loans dropped from         KATHLEEN BRENTON, BROKER
            $1.4 trillion in 2021 to $615 billion in 2022. Freddie Mac    KATHLEENBRENTON@GMAIL.COM
            dropped from $1.29 trillion to $619 billion. Basically, both
                                                                                (410) 829-3430

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