Page 32 - October 2023 Issue.indd
P. 32

Marriage                  Amanda Leigh Bagley, 35, Church Hill   Jessica Jean Bailey, 46, Henderson and
                                              and William Christopher Schoenster,   Tyler James Ebling, 40, same.
                     Licenses                 34, same.
                                                                                 Krista Lynn Wooters, 38, Hurlock and
                                              Julie Marie Pilgrim, 54, Ridgely and   Dylan Alexander Seese, 34, same.
            Rosalinda Yaneth Mejia Lopez, 43,
                                              Andrew Frank Pipari, 53, same.
            Marydel and Austiniano Escalante Ber-                                Christine Marie Alley, 21, Joppa and

            duo, 40, same.                    Megan Ruth Woodruff, 35, Denton and   Kurt Everett Hunter, 25, Middle River.
                                              Mitchell James Simpkins, 31, same.
            Ada Yojana Escalante Ortiz, 27,                                      Megan Jordan Shortall, 22, Cock-
            Marydel and Dimas Marconi Perez   Cassie Laura Daniel, 42, Denton and   eysville and Joseph Benjamin Kosick,
            Perez, 29, Goldsboro              Christopher Jack Lancaster, Sr., 45,   24, same.
            Tamyra Danea Bailey, 39, Easton and                                  Odilia Tomas Domingo, 33, Centreville
            Tyrus Demetrius Jeter, 31, same.  Sarah Elizabeth Eberhard, 32, Federals-  and Marcos Julio Diaz Tomas, 34, same.
                                              burg and Jeff rey  Christopher  Dusock,

            Carrie Lyn Cooper, 38, Preston and Mi-                               Samantha Jean Thomason, 42, Pres-
                                              32, same.
            chael Bryan Steenken, Jr., 39, same.                                 ton and James Kristopher Sewell, 48,
                                  Now Open                                       Ashley Daniela Ramirez-Bamaca, 22,
                                                                                 Greensboro and Damon Michael Oli-
                                                                                 ver, 26, Chester.
                                                                                 Susan Marie Darling, 60, Preston and
                                                                                 Richard Clayton Darling, 58, same.
                                                                                 Rachel Elizabeth Simmons, 30, Marydel
                                                                                 and Kyle Matthew Lilly, 34, same.
                                                                                 Jennifer Lynn Grist, 41, Denton and
                                                                                 Juan Fernando Vazquez, 45, same.
                                                                                 Maria Dora Canales Granados, 38,
                                                                                 Church Hill and Jose Armando Diaz
                    SELLERS OF COOL OLD STUFF                                    Argueta, 27, same.
                                                                                 Victoria Leigh Kennedy, 29, Marydel
                SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS & BONUS DAYS THROUGH DECEMBER                 and Andrew Steven Dirocco, 24, same.
                           (*SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGES)
                                                                                 Kathryn Nicole Morris, 33, Federals-
                          214A MARKET STREET, DENTON, MD                         burg and Ryan Alan Blanchfi eld,  32,
                     301-357-0226  MOESONMARKET@GMAIL.COM                        same.

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