Page 6 - August 2023 Issue.indd
P. 6

The Best of Caroline County at                     my lens to my friends in 2023, yet I likely won’t. Too awkward,
                                                                I suppose, and I’m awkward enough already!
                 the Threshermen’s Show
                                                                What you get, my friends, when you stop by the Th reshermen’s
                             by Bryan Gadow                     Show, is the best of Caroline County with an all-star cast. Few
                                                                things bring me more joy than walking about, smelling the
            As the page on the old feed-store calendar turns to August,   burning coal of the steam engines, hearing an old Farmall or
            I peer upon its first week and witness that annual day of   Case purring along, and just being around the salt of the earth.
            melancholy. A birthday, perhaps, or the anniversary of some   True, when it’s all over I’ll once again find myself feeling a bit

            tragic event? Hardly. With great highs come great lows. Each   down. It just comes from missing an old friend. Lord willing,
            year brings for me a number of “can’t miss” events, but one in   the show, and I, will be back in twelve. Meanwhile, my friend,
            particular trumps them all. Th e first weekend in August means   will I see you there?

            but one thing to me: the Eastern Shore Threshermen’s Show. A
            constant, it was there in that year of Covid, as few things were.
            On it, you can depend.
                                                                             BRIAN’S POWER WASH, LLC
            I will be there, as much as I can, again this year. It occurred
            to me when the last show was over that the magic I feel whilst         • Low Pressure Exterior Cleaning
            I trod those old grounds has much to do with the people. I             • No Pressure Roof Cleaning
            think back to 2022, which in some ways was much like 2002   B          • Residential & Commercial
            or 1992. In the morning, with the crackle of the PA system,     P      • Licensed & Insured
            on will come forth Wendy Adams with our National Anthem;
            her husband Ellery will follow with a word of prayer. Hope-                       FREE ESTIMATES!
            fully she can talk him into driving his fine old Cadillac out

                                                                                                 Brian Bartolomeo
            for us all to admire. George Jackson will be under a tent,
            collecting good wishes on giant scrolls for our troops. I’ve   443-786-3439
            yet to figure out why a bridge doesn’t yet bear his name. Jill

            and Jim Phelps will show off a fine array of green equipment.

            Tell him you want a personal demonstration of how fast his
            John Deere bicycle can go! I’ll run into Caroline’s gentle giant,
            Tommy Blockston, and I’ve yet to make it through the fl ea
            market without hearing Carl Frase’s voice. Janie and Michael
            Eskow were there last year handing out Gideon Bibles. Ronnie

            Fearins could be found selling raffle tickets for the Preston
            Volunteer Fire Company. The gang from the Federalsburg
            Historical Society usually has a raffle or two of its own, includ-

            ing a nicely restored antique trunk by Tom Daffi  n.

            I thought of each of those folks last year, after the show was
            over. I glanced at photos I had taken, of various tractors and
            equipment, yet there was not one image of those people. How
            much more important is Tommy or Janie, George or Ronnie,   Classic Cars  •  Vintage Cars  •  Barn Finds
            Carl or Wendy, than a Hart-Parr tractor? I thought of turning
                                                                   (Especially Mustangs, Shelbys, and Convertibles)
             Calvary Baptist Church
                                                                   Restored & Unrestored           Finders
                   1120 Market St., Denton • 410-924-6404              Running or Not                 Fee
                         ANY CONDITION
                            Don Reynolds, Pastor                                                     Paid
                        10 AM  Sunday Bible School – All ages     ¡“Žš—­  Ž¡©“ŒŽ   $$$      CASH PAID
                        11 AM  Exciting Praise / Worship
                               Also, great Junior Church (5-11 yrs.)
                          7 PM  Sunday Evening Worship &                                410-320-7522
                               Children’s Class
                          7 PM  Wednesday Bible Studies                              Any pictures can be emailed
                      Going Forward Together in 2023                                   to

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