P. 15

B.  Fungsi Sosial Historical Recount Text
                       Fungsi  social  Historical  Recount  Text  adalah  untuk  memberitahukan/
                menginformasikan audiens kejadian- kejadian bersejarah.

               C.  Generic Structure (Struktur Paragraf) Historical Recount Text

                   1.  Orientation
                       Pengenalan terhadap participant, setting of time, dan juga setting of place.
                       Orientation selalu berada pada paragraph pertama dalam teks.

                   2.  Series of events
                       Ini adalah rangkaian peristiwa yang terjadi dan dialami oleh participant sehingga
                       membentuk rangkain sejaran yang komplit. Dengan demikian event yang
                       ditampilkan bias lebih dari satu event.

                   3.  Re-orientation
                       Kalimat penutup yang mestinya adalah kesan dan pesan. Dilihat dari fungsinya,
                       Re-orientation ini bersifat optional.

               D.  Grammar and Language Features (Unsur Kebahasaan) Historical Recount Text

                   -  Past Tense Action Verb (Cth; walked, ran, built, destroyed, dll.)
                   -  Adjective (Cth; big, dangerous, ancient, dll.)
                   -  Adverbial Phrase (Cth; on the opposite side, early in the morning, dll)
                   -  Time Connective (Cth; At first, then, after that, finally, dll.)
                   -  Evaluative Words (Cth; important, remarkable, tragic, abondened, attacked,
                       abused, dll)

               E.  Contoh Historical Recount Text
                                                      Battle of Surabaya

                       The  Battle  of  Surabaya  was  fought  between  pro-independence  Indonesian
                soldiers and militia against British and British Indian troops as a part of the Indonesian
                National Revolution.
                       On  27  October  1945,  a  British  plane  from  Jakarta  dropped  leaflets  over
                Surabaya  urging  all  Indonesian  troops  and  militia  to  surrender  their weapons.  The
                leaders of the Indonesian troops and militia were angered, seeing it as a breaking of the
                agreement reached with Mallaby earlier.
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