P. 6

Visitors who come to the palace still have the chance to witness the collections
               of the kingdom which are displayed along the meeting room, such as the photos of the
               families, antique furniture gifted by the Dutch, and various types of weapons. Patterns
               of Dutch architecture with doors and window width and height, as well as Spanish-style
               doors to be part of the Palace Maimun. Dutch influence was also seen on a marble slab
               in front of the marble steps are written with Latin letters in Dutch.

                   a.  Generic Structure

                           Generic Structure                                 Paragraph

                                                             Text 1:

                                                             Prambanan      temple     is   uncommonly
                                                             wonderful  building  built  in  the  tenth
                                                             century  amid  the  rules  of  two  rulers
                                                             specifically  Rakai  Pikatan  and  Rakai
                                                             Balitung.  Taking  off  up  to  47  meters  (5
                                                             meters higher than Borobudur temple), the
                                                             establishment  of  this  temple  has  satisfied
                                                             the longing of the originator to show Hindu
                                                             triumph in Java Island. This temple is found
                                                             17  kilometers  from  the  downtown  area,
                                                             among  a  territory  that  now  capacities  as
                                                             wonderful park.

                                                             Text 2:

                                                             Maimoon  Palace  is  royal  house         for
                                                             Sultanate  of  Deli  and  becomes  of  tourism
                                                             sites  from  Medan,  South  Sumatra.  This
                                                             grand,  30-room  Maimoon  Palace  was  built
                                                             by  the  sultan  of  Deli  in  1888  and  the
                                                             architecture  features  Malay,  Mogul  and
                                                             Italian  influences.  Only  the  main  room,
                                                             which  features  the  lavish  inauguration
                                                             throne, is open to the public. Here you can
                                                             check out a modest collection of ceremonial
                                                             kerises  and  dress  up  in  traditional  Malay

                Description                                  Text 1: Paragraph 2 till 9
                                                             Text 2: Paragraph 2 till 4
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