Page 203 - كتاب العمالقة - الجزء الأول
P. 203

New model                                                       ‫الصف الثالث الثانوى‬

107. Whether I go to university or not is dependent on what exam .............

I get.

a) grapes                                        b) grains      c) grades

108. There isn't the slightest .......................... of doubt that he's innocent.

a) degree                                        b) demand                  c) delay

109. You could ............................. on food by not eating in restaurants all

the time.

a) economy                b) economize                          c) economical

110. Any decrease in tourism could have a serious effect on

the local .....................................

a) economy                b) economize                          c) economical

111. Ministers are concerned by the low level of ............................ activity.

a) economy                b) economic                           c) economize

112. There's increasing demand for cars that are more ....................on fuel.

a) economy                b) economize                          c) economical

113. They have authorized .......................... of £900 to each of the victims.

a) awards                 b) wards                              c) replies

114. He received a .......................................... for his part in the rescue.

a) award                  b) ward                               c) replies

115. Her car is in ................................ condition.

a) Excellency                                    b) excelled    c) excellent

116. Both firms have a long-standing reputation for.....................................

in customer service.

a) Excellence                                    b) excelled    c) excellent

117. We're having a small drinks party for one of our..........................

who's leaving next week.

a) colleagues             b) followers                          c) colleges

118. He felt a real sense of kindship with his ............................ soldiers.

a) fellow                 b) follow                             c) pillow

119. He gave up his job as a police officer after his ............... was killed.

a) college                b) follow                             c) partner

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