P. 11


      The second decade of the twenty-first century saw an explosion of highly visible
      transgender presence in the mass media. Caitlyn Jenner-the former Olympic

      athlete, Kardashian clan member, and reality television star- finally came out

      after years of tabliod speculation, in a series of high-profile media events in
      2015, including a ratings-grabbing interview with Diane Sawyer on the broadcast

      news show 2020, a cover story in Vanity Fair that featured photographs by

      acclaimed photographer Annie Leibovitz, and a short-lived, much-maligned
      reality TV show. I am Cait. Jenner might have had a higher profile, but actors like

      Laverne Cox and writers like Janet Mock had more staying power and more
      substantive things to say, as did the transgender sisters Lana Wachowski and

      Lily Wachowski. The Netflik orginal series SenseB offered one of the most

      narratively complex, visually arresting and aesthetically challenging works in
      contemprary mainstream media. The sci-fi thriller revolved around eight

      individuals from around the world, all born at the same moment, who suddenly
      begin to share the same sensory experiences, trans actor Jamie Clayton plays

      transsexual lesbian Nomi Marks, one the the " sensates". The most critically

      acclaimed and commercially successful trans-centered show was Amazon's
      Transparent, based loosely on show-runner Jill Soloway's experience as the

      adult child of a late-transitioning transgender parent and produced by

      transgender culture makers Rhys Ernst and Zackary Drucker.

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