Page 16 - BoiseRiverValley2023RELOGUIDE
P. 16
By the Numbers
Year Incorporated: 1863
Population: 235,684
Median Household Income: $65,463 The Boise Foothills
Median Home Listing Price: $538,800
People Per Household: 2.4
hikers, and plenty of happy dogs taking advantage of
them year-round. The Greenbelt provides 25 miles of Sports fans, don’t fret! While Boise may not have a
paved and dirt trails along the Boise River. Run, ride, professional football team, fans of the Boise State
or stroll this treelined pathway and discover hundreds Broncos swear the team is as good as the pros! You
of spots along the way to fish, play in the river, or just won’t get very far in this city without seeing someone
relax. During the summer, floating the Boise River is a or something adorned in the telltale blue and orange
must, and skiing is a huge part of the Boise winter with colors of Boise State University. Another sports favorite
Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area just 20 miles up is the Idaho Steelheads ice hockey team. With practices
the mountain. and home games played right in the heart of downtown
Boise, you’re sure to rub elbows with one of these
As much as outdoor recreation is a way of life in Boise, professional players any day of the week.
so are the arts and music scenes. Annual jazz and music
festivals, the Idaho Shakespeare Festival, and many Whether you love the outdoors, the arts, sports, or
other theater performances are held throughout the something else entirely, you’ll find plenty of ways to fill
year. Home to one of the largest Basque communities your calendar. It’s no wonder Boise is one of the fastest
in the United States, the Basque festival of Jaialdi is growing cities in the nation.
celebrated every five years and draws crowds from Like all major cities, Boise is composed of several
around the world – the next one is in 2020. The city is distinct neighborhoods. Here is a glimpse of
also home to the Boise Philharmonic, Ballet Idaho, the each community.
Morrison Center for the Performing Arts, and several
museums and live music venues.