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“Outdoor Activities are
just minutes away!”
Ride (or Walk, or Run) Ridge to Rivers Surf in the Middle of the City
The Ridge to Rivers trail system opens more than 190 The Boise Whitewater Park is one of the newest
miles of Foothills trails across public and private land additions to the city’s outdoor recreation scene, but it
to hikers, bikers, runners, horseback riders, and even has quickly become one of the most popular! The main
motorcycles and ATVs. It’s one of the most heavily attraction is a man-made wave in the river that can be
used and appreciated parts of the Treasure Valley — adjusted based on water flow, so every week has the
in fact, Boiseans have passed multiple levies to fund potential to be different. Try your luck at surfing the
preservation of the Foothills and expand the trail wave, or rent a kayak and test your technical skills. The
system. surrounding river is also a great place for a leisurely
stand-up paddleboarding session.
Families will love the easy loops located behind the More Info
North End’s Camels Back Park. Take the kids to the
Jim Hall Foothills Learning Center to explore the
history, vegetation, and wildlife of the area. Bikers of all Float the River
stripes flock to the bike-only trails accessible off North When temps rise, most Treasure Valley residents don’t
Horseshoe Bend Road, some of which wind through the head to backyard pools — they grab an inner tube or
Idaho Velodrome and Cycling Park. Hikers and runners raft and head for the Boise River. The water’s cold
love the challenge of Hull’s Gulch trails. temps and fairly mellow flow make it an inexpensive
way to cool off while enjoying a very Boise pastime.
Summer is the ideal time to hit the Ridge to Rivers The best way to experience the river is to begin at
system. In the spring, fall, and winter, rain and snow Barber Park, where you can rent flotation devices,
can make the trails muddy — and as any Treasure and then meander for six miles to the take-out at Ann
Valley resident will tell you, the key to keeping the Morrison Park. (And yes, jumping from bridges into
Ridge to Rivers system pristine is to avoid tearing up the river is permitted, but not within 50 feet of anyone
popular pathways when they’re wet. swimming or floating.) The trip will take two to three
More Info hours, so don’t forget your water and sunscreen!
More Info AdaCounty.ID.Gov/ParksandWaterways/Float-The-