Page 28 - Relocation Magazine w Table of contents
P. 28
AGLE, IDAHO - Tucked away in the mature, treelined streets, stately homes on large
ETreasure Valley corner, nestled between lots, and beautiful, family-friendly neighborhoods
the foothills and the Boise River, you’ll find the and parks. Many specialty boutiques and
charming town of Eagle, Idaho. It’s a city notable restaurants provide a central location for locals
for its high-end subdivisions, horse properties, to meet up with friends for shopping and dining.
spas, and scenery. The Boise River, with its Smart city planning has allowed Eagle to maintain
expanse of towering trees and pedestrian paths its character while catering to the growing
known as the Greenbelt, runs through the heart population’s needs.
of town. Eagle is in a class by itself regarding
character, recreation, and charm with its quaint RECREATION ABOUNDS
downtown area, various local events, and a strong Whether your type of recreation is on two wheels
sense of community pride. or two legs, you’ll find it within Eagle city limits
in the foothills, on the golf course, or along the
Eagle’s most significant appeal is the old-town Greenbelt. Home to the Eagle Sports Complex
feel—especially in the historic downtown area and Bike Park, this massive 200-acre park is one
where vintage-style street lights line the main of the countries’ largest. Eagle is home to two of
corridor. The older part of Eagle showcases the Treasure Valley’s established golf courses -
Banbury Golf Course and Eagle Hills Golf Course.
28 Call Helen Carnie with Keller Williams Realty Boise at 208.462.0552