Page 177 - Basic _ Clinical Pharmacology ( PDFDrive )
P. 177

CHAPTER 10  Adrenoceptor Antagonist Drugs     163

                                       O  CH 2  CH  CH 2  NH  CH(CH )            O  CH 2  CH  CH 2  NH  CH(CH )
                                                                3 2
                                                                                                           3 2
                                              OH                                         OH

                                                                                 CH 2  CH 2  O  CH 3
                                          Propranolol                                    Metoprolol

                                       O  CH 2  CH  CH 2  NH  CH(CH )                    O  CH 2  CH  CH 2  NH  C(CH )
                                                                3 2
                                                                                                                  3 3
                                              OH                       O       N                 OH
                                                                                  N      N

                             HO  CH   CH 2  NH  CH  CH 2  CH 2                   O  CH 2  CH  CH 2  NH  CH(CH )
                                                                                                           3 2
                                              CH 3                                       OH

                                       C  NH 2                                        O
                                  OH                                             CH 2  C  NH 2
                                         Labetalol                                        Atenolol

                                                             OH                 OH
                                                        O                              O
                                                             CH   CH 2  NH  CH 2  CH

                                           F                                                        F


                    FIGURE 10–5  Structures of some β-receptor antagonists.

                    involved are not fully understood but probably include suppres-  in cardiac output. Nonselective and β -blocking drugs antagonize
                    sion of renin release and effects in the CNS. These drugs do not   the release of renin caused by the sympathetic nervous system.
                    usually cause hypotension in healthy individuals with normal   Overall, although the acute effects of these drugs may include a
                    blood pressure.                                      rise in peripheral resistance, chronic drug administration leads to a
                       Beta-receptor antagonists have prominent effects on the heart   fall in peripheral resistance in patients with hypertension.
                    (Figure 10–6) and are very valuable in the treatment of angina
                    (see Chapter 12) and chronic heart failure (see Chapter 13) and   B.  Effects on the Respiratory Tract
                    following myocardial infarction (see Chapter 14). The negative   Blockade of the β  receptors in bronchial smooth muscle may lead
                    inotropic and chronotropic effects reflect the role of adrenoceptors   to an increase in airway resistance, particularly in patients with
                    in regulating these functions. Slowed atrioventricular conduction   asthma. Beta -receptor antagonists such as metoprolol and atenolol
                    with an increased PR interval is a related result of adrenoceptor   may have some advantage over nonselective β antagonists when
                    blockade in the atrioventricular node. In the vascular system,   blockade of β  receptors in the heart is desired and β -receptor
                    β-receptor blockade opposes β -mediated vasodilation. This may   blockade is undesirable. However, no currently available  β -
                    acutely lead to a rise in peripheral resistance from unopposed   selective antagonist is sufficiently specific to completely avoid inter-
                    α-receptor–mediated effects as  the  sympathetic nervous system   actions with β  adrenoceptors. Consequently, these drugs should
                    discharges in response to lowered blood pressure due to the fall   generally be avoided in patients with asthma. However, some
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