Page 96 - Basic _ Clinical Pharmacology ( PDFDrive )
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82     SECTION I  Basic Principles

                 TABLE 5–3   Classification of G6PD deficiency       malaria prevalence. Polymorphic alleles gained in frequency over
                             (WHO Working Group, 1989).              time as they offered some benefit against death from malaria. The
                                                                     estimated frequency of G6PD deficiency is approximately 8%
                  World Health                                       in malaria endemic countries, with the milder G6PD-A(–) allele
                  Organization   Level of   Enzyme                   prevalent in Africa, and the more severe  G6PD-Mediterranean
                  Class       Deficiency  Activity  Clinical phenotype
                                                                     allele widespread across western Asia (Saudi Arabia and Turkey
                  I           Severe    <10%     Chronic (non-       to India). There is a  much more  heterogeneous distribution of
                                                 spherocytic) hemolytic   variant alleles in East Asia and Asia Pacific, which complicates
                                                                     G6PD risk predictions; however, the most frequently identified
                  II          Severe    <10%     Risk of acute hemolytic   forms in Asia include the more severe class II alleles, eg, Mediter-
                                                 anemia; intermittent
                                                 hemolysis           ranean, Kaiping, and Canton, as well as some class III alleles, eg,
                  III         Moderate  10–60%   Risk of acute hemolytic   Mahidol, Chinese-5, and Gaohe (Table 5–1).
                                                 anemia; hemolysis with   Example: Rasburicase, a recombinant urate-oxidase enzyme,
                                                 stressors           is indicated for the initial management of high uric acid levels
                  IV          None      60–150%  Normal              in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Rasburicase alleviates
                  V           None      >150%    Enhanced activity   the uric acid burden that often accompanies tumor-lysing treat-
                                                                     ments by converting uric acid into allantoin, a more soluble and
                                                                     easily excreted molecule. During the enzymatic conversion of uric
                 critical role in the prevention of oxidative damage. Under normal   acid to allantoin, hydrogen peroxide, a highly reactive oxidant, is
                 conditions, G6PD in RBCs is able to detoxify unstable oxygen spe-  formed. Hydrogen peroxide must be reduced by glutathione to
                 cies while working at just 2% of its theoretical capacity. Following   prevent free radical formation and oxidative damage. Individuals
                 exposure to exogenous oxidative stressors, eg, infection, fava beans,   with G6PD deficiency receiving rasburicase therapy are at greatly
                 and certain therapeutic drugs, G6PD activity in RBCs increases   increased risk for severe hemolytic anemia and methemoglobin-
                 proportionately  to  meet  NADPH  demands  and  ultimately  to   emia. The manufacturer recommends that patients at high risk
                 protect hemoglobin from oxidation. Individuals with G6PD   (individuals of African or Mediterranean ancestry) be screened
                 deficiency, defined as less than 60% enzyme activity, according   prior to the initiation of therapy and that rasburicase not be used
                 to World Health  Organization  classification  (Table  5–3),  are at   in patients with G6PD deficiency (Table 5–2).
                 increased risk for abnormal RBC destruction, ie, hemolysis, due to
                 reduced antioxidant capacity under oxidative pressures.
                   The gene that encodes the G6PD enzyme is located on the X   ■   GENETIC VARIATIONS IN
                 chromosome and is highly polymorphic, with over 180 genetic   TRANSPORTERS
                 variants identified that result in enzyme deficiency. Greater than
                 90% of variants are single-base substitutions in the coding region   Plasma membrane transporters, located on epithelial cells of many
                 that produce amino acid changes, which result in unstable proteins   tissues, eg, intestinal, renal, and hepatic membranes, mediate
                 with reduced enzyme activity. As with most X-linked traits, males   selective uptake and efflux of endogenous compounds and xeno-
                 with one reference X chromosome and females with two reference   biotics including many drug products. Transporters, which often
                 X chromosomes will have equivalent “normal” G6PD activity.     work in concert with drug-metabolizing enzymes, play important
                 Similarly, hemizygous-deficient males (with a deficient copy of the   roles in determining plasma and tissue concentrations of drugs
                 G6PD gene on their single X chromosome) and homozygous-  and their metabolites. Genetic differences in transporter genes
                 deficient females (with two deficient copies) express reduced activity   can dramatically alter drug disposition and response and thus
                 phenotypes (Table 5–1). However, for heterozygous females (with   may increase risk for toxicities. In this section, a key example of a
                 one deficient allele and one normal allele), genotype-to-phenotype   polymorphic uptake transporter and its pharmacologic impact on
                 predictions are less reliable due to the X-chromosome mosaicism,   statin toxicity are described.
                 ie, where one X chromosome in each female cell is randomly
                 inactivated, leading to G6PD activity that may range from fully
                 functional to severely deficient. G6PD enzyme activity phenotype   ORGANIC ANION TRANSPORTER
                 estimations for heterozygous females therefore may be improved   (OATP1B1)
                 with complementary G6PD activity testing.
                   G6PD enzyme deficiency affects  over 400 million people   The OATP1B1 transporter (encoded by the SLCO1B1 gene) is
                 worldwide, and the World Health Organization has categorized   located on the sinusoidal membrane (facing the blood) of hepa-
                 G6PD activity into five classes (Table 5–3).  The majority of   tocytes and is responsible for the hepatic uptake of mainly weakly
                 polymorphic G6PD-deficient genotypes are associated with class   acidic drugs and endogenous compounds, eg, statins, methotrex-
                 II for severe deficiency (< 10% enzyme activity) and class III   ate, and bilirubin. Over 40 nonsynonymous variants (nsSNPs)
                 for moderate deficiency (10–60% enzyme activity). Most indi-  have been identified in this transporter, some of which result
                 viduals with reduced function alleles of G6PD have ancestries in   in decreased transport function. A common reduced function
                 geographical areas of the world corresponding to areas with high   polymorphism, rs4149056, has been shown to reduce transport
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