Page 165 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 165

Intestinal Nematodes   145

                   water and food and providing for safe disposal of human   may require testing for occult blood, which is a condition
                   wastes will eliminate many of the cases. It is necessary to   caused by broken down red blood cells that are not vis-
                   teach children to both avoid infection and reinfection.   ible to the naked eye. It is possible to become infected
                   Changes in the lifestyle should be taught to the children   with hookworms by direct contact with contaminated
                   that include hygienic practices and habits that are rein-  soil, generally through walking barefoot, or accidentally
                   forced by the parents and others in authority, such as   swallowing contaminated soil.
                   teachers. This is a practice that will stand them in good
                   stead for many years, and will help to avoid other parasitic
                   and bacterial infections such as pinworm as well as many   ANCYLOSTOMA DUODENALE
                   infections. During treatment and following treatment, all   AND NECATOR AMERICANUS
                   family members should adopt the practice of thoroughly
                   washing hands and cleaning fingernails thoroughly and   Many individuals with hookworm infection have no
                   regularly with warm water and soap.  After using the com-  symptoms. The two major hookworm species, those of
                   mode, the seat of the commode should be sprayed with a   Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus, are
                   disinfectant to prevent eggs on the surface of the seat from   similar in many ways. Therefore, they are treated jointly
                   coming in contact with the hands when a family member   and comparatively in this section. Strongyloides stercora-
                   is infected. Food preparation should be started only after   lis is another pathogen that must be differentiated from
                   careful washing of the hands. Keep finger nails short and   the hookworms, A. duodenale and N. americanus.
                   clean, and avoid scratching the anus and genitals and nail
                   biting will prevent reinfection. Daily bathing and show-  Morphology
                   ering are important, as well as washing bed linens and
                   nightwear with hot water and laundry detergent.  The adult stages of A. duodenale and N. americanus are
                                                                    seldom seen for identification, but they are similar in ap-
                                                                    pearance. The eggs are indistinguishable as there is only
                   HOOKWORM INFECTION                               a slight difference in size between the two species. The
                                                                    eggs of N. americanus are slightly larger than those of
                   It should be noted that a large number of nematodes   A. duodenale and measure from 55 to 75 μm in length,
                   are capable of infecting humans. Another category of a   with a width of between 35 and 40 μm. A.duodenale and
                   widespread nematode is the hookworm (refers to a number   N. americanus also differ in their mouthparts or buccal
                   of species), which is also a roundworm and lives in the small   cavities (Figure 6-6). The buccal capsule of A. duodenale
                   intestine of its host. Its eggs and worms are  frequently found   has visible teeth, whereas N. americanus has specialized
                   in the fecal specimens of those infected with hookworms   structures called cutting plates.
                   (Figure 6-5). The two major species, Ancylostoma
                   duodenale and Necator americanus, range over broad  areas   Symptoms
                   of both the Old and the New World. These two species
                   are much smaller than the large roundworm called Ascaris   The symptoms can be linked to inflammation of the
                   lumbricoides and include additional physical complications     gastrointestinal system that is stimulated by feeding hook-
                   in the infected victim through migration into the body’s   worms. Inflammation is accompanied by nausea, abdomi-
                   tissues. Obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract that may be   nal pain, and intermittent diarrhea early in the course of
                   experienced with an A. lumbricoides roundworm infestation   the disease, and a common consequence of hookworm
                   is less frequent in hookworm infestations.       infections is that of progressive anemia that often occurs
                       The most significant risk from hookworm infection   in prolonged infections. Patients with more severe infec-
                   is the development of anemia, which is caused by deple-  tions may encounter the above symptoms as well as vomit-
                   tion of dietary iron, proteins, and iron supplements, that   ing related to the nausea along with general fatigue. Old
                   are absorbed in the digestive tract. The worms extract   home remedies were often followed in many areas of the
                   blood large amounts of blood and in addition may dam-  world, particularly in the southeastern United States.
                   age the mucosa of the intestinal tract and cause blood to     Impulsive or unreasonable appetite desires such as pica
                   appear in the feces. The blood loss through the stools   (or dirt-eating), led to the practice in the southern states
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