Page 31 - parasitology for medical and clinical laboratoryprofessionals
P. 31

Background of Parasitology    11

                       Then, as civilization advanced, the slave trade most   fact that some of the most important parasites we find
                   likely began before recorded history and in biblical times.   today, the helminth worms along with their ova and the
                   This resulted in indigenous populations that might have   protozoa, can now be found in ancient preserved stool
                   been subjugated during war before being transported to   specimens, lending verification to what was previously
                   unfamiliar areas of the world but living in close proxim-  only educated guesses or theory.
                   ity to a genetically different population. Around 1500,   The presence of helminth eggs and protozoan cysts
                   the Spaniards sometimes enslaved groups of Native   have been found in preserved stools called coproliths, a
                   Americans as the first in the New World to be enslaved.   term that literally means “fecal stones” or remnants of the
                   Then shortly thereafter, African slaves who might have   products of bowel elimination that are stone-like. These
                   been captured by other tribes and were sold into slavery   fecal samples have become fossilized or desiccated
                   were transported to the New World, which included the   (dried) as they are hundreds and even thousands of years
                   Caribbean islands, from the Old World. More recently   in age. These bits of hardened feces often contained nat-
                   the spread of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus   urally preserved bodies of parasites that had infested the
                   (HIV), and the development of AIDS (Acquired Im-  gastrointestinal tract of these ancient peoples. Spring-
                   munodeficiency Syndrome) from HIV infections, most   ing from these studies is a new branch of science called
                   likely originated on the African continent. This disease   paleoparasitology. This helps to extend the knowledge
                   serves to initiate immunodepression associated with   base that previously had been more theory than fact. It is
                   these conditions and has spread to the rest of the world   possible that less evolved versions of some parasites seen
                   in great numbers.                                today may be found in preserved remains of animals and
                       This condition predisposes the person suffering   humans and the excrement of each. Examples of some
                   from AIDS to becoming infected with a variety of oppor-  of these discoveries will be discussed later. So vast is the
                   tunistic parasitic organisms. It has been proposed and   field of human parasitology, and with this new and far-
                   not disproven that this ravaging disease originated in the   reaching evidence and the discoveries made to date from
                   green monkeys of Africa, as these animals were widely   the past, the amount of data will no doubt grow dramati-
                   hunted for food, often resulting in contact with the ani-  cally in the future.
                   mal’s blood and body fluids. It should be kept in mind   Written documents related to parasitic infection in
                   that the origins of the disease are still in dispute, and has   ancient Egypt from several thousand years BC exist. An-
                   led to various theories over the years since the advent   cient medicine men were apparently aware of parasitic
                   of the disease. The syndrome (group of symptoms) of   infections, as described in the Ebers papyrus of 1500 BC
                   AIDS has resulted in the establishment of a number of   discovered at Thebes. Somewhat later, Greek physicians
                   new opportunistic parasitic infections that cover the   in the years from 800 to 300 BC described symptoms
                    entire globe.                                   and signs of diseases of various descriptions, some of
                                                                    which might have been caused by parasites. Persons with
                   Archaeological Evidence                          raging fevers, which might have been difficult to control
                   of Parasitic Infections                          without the medical technology enjoyed today, were
                                                                    found in various works, including those of the celebrated
                   The past history going back for centuries, and bolstered   Hippocrates, author of the Hippocratic Oath still in use
                   by archaeological specimens and written records, has   in differing versions and whose corporate works are
                   confirmed that parasitic infections have a history of infect-  known as the Corpus Hippocratorum. Other documenta-
                   ing humans for as long as any sort of record of humans is   tion of apparent parasitic maladies are found in ancient
                   available. Much of this information predates written his-  works from physicians as members of civilizations other
                   tory, with the finding of archaeological specimens that are   than Greek and Middle Eastern areas.
                   more ancient than written records. But several thousand   Although the medical literature of the Middle Ages
                   years BC, work by ancient Egyptian physicians and then   is quite scant, there are many references to the malady of
                   later Greek physicians who wrote of parasitic infections,   being infected by parasitic worms. In some cases, they
                   were recorded. One of the significant areas of the study   were considered as the primary cause of certain diseases.
                   of parasitology today is that of archaeologists who study   However, generally the literature of the period was rife
                   the evolution of humans and who have documented the   with those who were somewhat ignorant due to stultifying
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