Page 61 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 61

                                                    25 COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES

                                             GRADUATE’S AND ALUMNI PLEDGE

                                       GRADUATE’S PLEDGE

                    Invoking the aid of the almighty God,/ I pledge to pursue
               knowledge/ as a sacred calling/; to act as guardian and promoter/

               of the best and the highest ideals of my people/; to mold the
               aspirations/, thoughts, and ideals/, thus, fashion them into
               enlightened and responsible citizens/.

                    I feel that it is my solemn duty/ to act as the best instrument/
               of promoting and advocating good/, to live an upright life/ and
               dedicate myself to the fulfillment of the highest ideals/ and
               principles of the profession/ as embodied in the Code of Ethics/.

                    I further pledge/ that I shall maintain true faith and allegiance
               to my Alma Mater/, the J.H. Cerilles State College/ as the living
               symbol of what I am/ and what I expect to be in the profession/.

                    So help me God/.

                                           ALUMNI PLEDGE

                    I, (state your name), a graduate of J.H. Cerilles State College,
               Mati, San Miguel, Zamboanga del Sur/, do solemnly swear/ to
               uphold the lofty ideals and noble principles of my Alma Mater/. I
               shall endeavor at all times/ to bring honor and glory to my Alma
               Mater/ by uplifting myself/ to the higher social/, moral/, and
               spiritual levels; that I shall help my fellowmen in all ways/, and

               uphold justice and professionalism at all times/. Impose these
               obligations/ upon myself voluntarily/ and without purpose of
               personal gain/.

               So help me God/.

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