Page 59 - MNLGA Free State Spring 2024_WEB SPREADS
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 access to land. They rent about an   DNP is also willing
 acre to Kathleen Moss, who grows   to forgo sales in
 vegetables and seasonal produce   order to maintain
 in-ground and in a high tunnel. Her   that standard. At
 business, “Fox Briar Farm,’ sells shares   one point, DNP was
 in her CSA (Community Supported   approached by a
 Agriculture) harvest and maintains   broker seeking to
 a presence at the Lewes, Delaware,   purchase 30,000
 farmers’ market.   plugs of Spartina
 patens for use at a
 Wetland plants are produced in
 golf course project
 2-inch, 50-cell plugs to meet U.S.
 in Southeast Asia.
 Army Corps of Engineers specs. Most
 They absolutely
 other species are grown in trade
 refused, telling the
 gallon pots for resale to landscapers
 prospective client
 and retail nurseries. Much is still
 that Spartina patens
 propagated from seed, but because
 of their expanding range of species,   Sedum nevii, rare native from southeastern U.S.  has been shown
 to be invasive in
 they have begun buying in plugs from
 the media mix and holds water.   that part of the world and that they
 trusted growers for potting up.
 Pittmoss developer, Mont Handley,   needed to find a solution that was
 Delmarva Native Plants is very proud   nurtured the idea for some 20 years   more ecologically sound and that
 of its sustainable growing media,   before appearing on the reality show   avoided ecological damage.
 mixed in house. All the components   “Shark Tank,” where he obtained
 “We’re doing this for environmental
 are either agricultural or post-  venture capital to launch a consumer
 benefit,” DeLong said. “The income
 consumer byproducts. No peat,   retail product line in 2017.
 keeps our mission going. I feel better
 no coir, nothing imported, and no
 DNP is strictly wholesale. “If you are   walking away from a sale when
 wetlands destroyed in the process of
 a retail customer in need of planting   it doesn’t ascribe to our beliefs, to
 manufacturing it. One ingredient in
 material, we are more than happy   follow the most environmentally
 their mix is Pittmoss. Pittmoss is made
 to refer you to our retail nursery   sound practices we can.”
 from recycled shredded newspaper
 partners,” DeLong said. “We specialize
 and cardboard, that has been   For native plant questions or
 in large scale contract grows, but we
 aerated and fluffed. Pittmoss lightens   to request a quote, phone
 do keep a large inventory on hand to
 meet all of our clients’ needs.”  410-972-9161 or email jillian@ A
 Plants shipped out from DNP end up
 at a variety of destinations. Plants are
 distributed all over Delmarva, north
 to New York City and south to Norfolk.
 DeLong and Parisi intentionally
 constrain their market radius. They
 firmly believe that regionalizing the
 horticulture market is best from an
 ecological perspective. Native plants   Carol Kinsley
 should be grown in the region they   Kinsley Communications.
 are native to, for planting in the   410-924-3582
 region they are native to.

 Wooden pot labels

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