Page 6 - MNLGA Free State Spring 2024_WEB SPREADS
P. 6


                                             Every now and again it hits me that I’ve been working with MNLGA and MANTS
                                             for what seems to be forever. But this “forever” period has flashed by like a blink
                                             of an eye. I am reflecting now on my years with the green industry as Kelly and
                                             my youngest child, Eva, is graduating from college in just a few weeks. And
                                             wow, along with the pride that comes with seeing a child graduate, it also
                                             makes me realize that the years have somehow flown by.
                                             Eva was just three months old when my father, Carville Akehurst, passed
                                             unexpectedly, the catalyst that led to my mother, Nancy, and I becoming
                                             the management of MNLGA and MANTS. With Mom, the association got an
                                             experienced “force,” as Mom had worked alongside Carville for many years.
                                             (Those of you who knew Mom best will understand the “force.”) With me, the
                                             association got someone very green in the knowledge of industry issues, but
                                             willing to learn and figure it out.
        Executive Director                   The association, in turn, offered dozens of people who not only showed me the
                                             ropes, but served as trusted and steadfast mentors to me. These folks, I now
                                             consider colleagues and very close friends. I thank you all for your professional
                                             support over the years and continued friendship.

                                             Eva turns 23 in just a few days. So, for 23 years I’ve been working with you all!
                                             I’m actually getting a little teary as I write this. Are those tears of pride for Eva’s
                                             journey and success, the intermittent grief that pops up from time to time when
                                             thinking of my parents, or from the realization that I’ve worked in a profession
                                             now for 23 years that I’ve absolutely enjoyed and been fulfilled by? Quite
                                             frankly, it’s hard for me to tell, so I am going to attribute the tears to all three.

                                             I am looking forward to my continuing journey with all of you. Hopefully, I’m
                                             closing in on retirement, however, it is still a number of years away. We’ve much
                                             more good work to accomplish as an industry!

                                             I would be remiss in this column to not remind you all to review the 2024         Wholesale growers
                                             General Assembly legislative recap. There are bills that will impact you and your
                                             businesses, potentially and particularly the one that has created a prohibited    of exceptional,
                                             plants list. The MNLGA has a group of members working now with MDA in an
                                             effort to protect growers’ continued ability to grow certain plants for out-of-
                                             state markets. You may find the legislative recap, at     field-grown, fully
                                             MaGIC. You will receive updates on the regulations developed for this bill in
                                             Root of the Matter. (If you are not receiving Root, please let me know and we     finished trees
                                             can get you added to the distribution list.) A
                                             Vanessa Finney                                                                    and shrubs
                                             Executive Director, MNLGA

                                             “I blinked my eyes and in an instant, decades had passed.”
                                             John Mark Green, Taste the Wild Wonder: Poems

                                                                                                                                                              Adamstown, MD • 301-874-8300 •
        6   SPRING 2024 •  Free State News
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