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                     Maryland Nursery Landscape and Greenhouse Association Recognizes                                                   MNLGA’s Free State News                                                    MARYLAND
                              Steve Black and Rick Watson for Horticultural Excellence                                                 we’ve got 6 good reasons                                                    NURSERY, LANDSCAPE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   AND G REENHOUSE
        (Baltimore, MD, February 5, 2024) – At its annual meeting in January, the Maryland Nursery Landscape and Greenhouse Asso-                                                                                  A SSOCIATION, I NC.
                                                                                                                                      1                of Maryland’s Nursery, Landscaping,
        ciation (MNLGA) celebrated horticultural leaders Steve Black of Raemelton Farm and Rick Watson from The Perennial Farm for                     Free State News is seen by members
        their contributions to the green industry.                                                                                                     Greenhouse, Garden Center and                      MISSION STATEMENT

        Steve Black was honored with the J. Landon Reeve, IV Visionary Award, a prestigious accolade recognizing exceptional innova-  LEAD             Allied Industries and is the leading
                                                                                                                                                       publication for members of the
        tion and leadership in the field. Under Black’s guidance, Raemelton Farm, once a modest dairy operation, has flourished into                                                            The purpose of the Maryland Nursery,
                                                                                                                                                       MNLGA                                    Landscape and Greenhouse Association is
        a leading wholesale B&B production nursery. A pioneer in sustainable horticulture, Black’s adoption of organic practices led to
        a significant milestone: the farm’s USDA organic certification. His approach replaces synthetic fertilizers and broad-spectrum                 Free State News enhances your ad         to promote the use of ornamental plants,
        pesticides with an effective Integrated Pest Management program, demonstrating his commitment to environmentally respon-      2                with important industry specific         products, and services. The association
        sible practices.                                                                                                                               content that is educational and          supports all constituent groups of the

                                                                                                                                                       informative. And, the digital version    horticulture industry including landscape,
        “Receiving this honor is more than a personal achievement; it’s a reflection of the dynamic and evolving world of horticulture,”   ENHANCE     gives readers direct access to your      garden centers, interiorscape, grounds
        said Steve Black. “I am proud to be part of an industry that passionately pursues sustainable and innovative solutions.”                       website                                  maintenance, nursery, greenhouse, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                arboriculture. The association communicates
        Rick Watson received the MNLGA’s Professional Achievement Award, recognizing his enduring impact on the Green Industry.                                                                 the role of the horticulture industry in
        Beginning his journey in a small garden center in Towson, Maryland, Watson, a University of Maryland alumnus, transformed     3                Free State News helps promote            improving people’s quality of life.
        his passion for perennials into a thriving enterprise. Today, The Perennial Farm stands as a beacon of success and sustainabili-               your company and product while
        ty, greatly influencing the industry with Watson’s innovative approach to growth and business acumen.                                          providing direct access to readers in
                                                                                                                                      PROMOTE          Maryland’s Green Industries                           SPECIFIC GOALS
        “This award is not just a testament to my efforts but also to the collective spirit of innovation and growth that drives our indus-                                                     Promote professionalism through education
        try,” Watson remarked. “I am honored to be part of a community that continually strives for and achieves excellence.”                                                                   programs for members and the public and by
                                                                                                                                      4                Articles are contributed by highly       encouraging enrollment in educational
        For more information about the MNLGA and its initiatives, visit                                                                 regarded members of the industry,        institutions.
                                                                                                                                                       many of whom have a lifetime
        Photos of the award winners are available here. If you’d prefer more of a headshot, please let me know.                       KNOWLEDGE        of knowledge and are frequently          Monitor state and local laws relating to
                                                                                                                                                       published                                horticulture industry.
        About Maryland Nursery Landscape and Greenhouse Association                                                                                                                             Participate actively in legislative and
        The Maryland Nursery Landscape and Greenhouse Association is a non-profit organization committed to fostering excellence                                                                regulatory processes.
        and growth in Maryland’s Green Industry. Through education, networking, and advocacy, MNLGA nurtures a community of           5                Free State News is a cost-effective
        professionals dedicated to sustainable and innovative practices.                                                                               way to help keep your name out in        Promote the use of environmentally sound
        ###                                                                                                                                            front of the membership and your         practices in the horticulture industry.
        Media Contact:                                                                                                                COST-            potential customers                      Monitor and communicate to members
        Sara Warfield                                                                                                                 EFFECTIVE                                                 developments in allied industries including                                                                                                                                                     agritechnology.
                                                                                                                                      6                Free State News helps support the        services to state and community programs.
        410-952-1271 – cell                                                                                                                                                                     Support donations of plant products and

                                                                                                                                                       association in its endeavors on
                                                                                                                                                       behalf of the green industry in the      Support research relevant to the horticulture
                                                                                                                                       SUPPORT         state of Maryland                        industry.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Participate in Maryland agricultural
                                                                                                                                         For more information on advertising
                                                                                                                                            in the Free State News contact
                                                                                                                                                 Kelly at 410-823-8684
                                                                                                                                              or e-mail

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