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Profile: Rachel Levitt I’m currently working for an engineering firm with a
lot of new development projects. I’m often the lead
Studied at: Penn State University - Bachelors in Landscape
Architecture landscape/open space designer on a range of these
projects, from multifamily, mixed-use, commercial, and
Awarded: MNLGA Ornamental Horticulture Scholarship public parks. Although development isn’t known to be
2016-2018 traditionally ‘green,’ I care deeply about the environment
How did you hear about the scholarship, or what and always do what I can to lessen the environmental
prompted you to apply? impact. It’s so special to be in an industry where I’m able
to design something that thousands of people can visit
A family member told me about the scholarship. I and enjoy.
thought it was a perfect fit because I’ve grown up
in Maryland and I knew I wanted to work in Maryland What would you like MNLGA members to know about
after graduation. I resonated with the mission of the their investment in you?
scholarship, as ornamental plants to a landscape I want them to know that I have big goals, and I’m
architect are like paint to a painter. What I do relies so thankful that MNLGA and the scholarship have been
heavily on plants and how they can shape and improve a a part of my journey. I’m currently working on getting my
landscape. license to become a registered landscape architect. I also
How did the scholarship help with your studies? have a lot of projects being built in the next few years that
all MNLGA members are welcome to visit!
The scholarship helped immensely. The landscape What piece of advice do you think would be helpful
architecture program takes five years and has a for others following in your footsteps?
mandatory study abroad. Five years of out-of-state tuition My advice is to learn to compromise but don’t lose
is really expensive. This scholarship helped me focus on your creativity. It can be jarring leaving school where
school rather than worry about money. I was also happy you have total creative freedom, an unlimited budget,
to take some of the burdens off of my parents. They saved and everyone around you cares about the environment.
for my college almost my entire life but did not anticipate This just isn’t the case in the real world. In order to be
me going into a 5-year program.
successful, you need to learn how to make the maximum
What kind of work are you currently doing in the impact on limited resources. You also need to know when
green industry? to stick up for your designs and fight for them.
Certainly, the MNLGA provides an important service to young green industry professionals by offering scholarships to
help with tuition. These individuals are clearly motivated to do well in their studies, learn from their working experiences,
and help those who follow in their footsteps. When MNLGA scholarships are announced through the Root of the
Matter, please remember the positive impact on these former students and help spread the word to others who may
wish to apply. Additional scholarship opportunities are listed on the MNLGA website. Although directly applicable to
current and future students interested in the green industry, the valuable perspective of these young professionals has
something to offer each of us. A
Leslie Hunter Cario
Chesapeake Horticultural Services,
MNLGA board member Leslie Hunter Cario runs Chesapeake Horticultural Services, consulting with nurseries,
landscape operations, and non-profit organizations. Leslie is a Class VII graduate of the LEAD Maryland
Foundation fellowship, where she took part in extensive training in agricultural and natural resource
leadership throughout Maryland and Chile.
82 SPRING 2023 • Free State News