Page 26 - MNLGA - FreeState Spring 2022
P. 26

MANTS RECAP A Kelly Finney

        MANTS Means Business-

        Face to Face

        From a show management perspective, we thought that simultaneously

        preparing for the 2020 in-person show and MANTS’ 50th anniversary was

        difficult yet extremely rewarding. We knew that we could do it, but we didn’t

        want to do it again anytime soon.

        Well, it turns out that preparing for 2020 was a picnic as   in effect and robust cleaning and sanitizing procedures at
        several months later the world was introduced to COVID-  the Baltimore Convention Center and our allied business
        19. Despite the uncertainty, we listened to the experts   partners in place, we were very confident that the show
        speculate that “it” would burnout by early summer and   could be held safely.
        optimistically prepared for a 2021 in-person show. That
                                                                During the first weekend of December, the media went into
        was until early August 2020 when it became apparent
                                                                overdrive and on the subsequent Monday, our phone lines
        that in-person trade shows would not happen, so we did a
                                                                and e-mail lit up but not for the reason you might think. Most
        hard pivot and transitioned to an online business platform.
                                                                of the calls were from exhibitors and attendees asking us to
        However, we can say without hesitation that we all learned
                                                                go forward with the in-person show and the truth is that the
        that while technology absolutely has its place, there is NO
                                                                only way we would cancel was if the State or City declared
        substitute for the business to business, face to face in-person
                                                                a state of emergency and closed the convention center. The
        trade show experience. Even though the Business Hub
                                                                MANTS Board had voted unanimously that the show should
        was well supported, and attended, and was a rewarding
                                                                be held barring an emergency declaration. And that’s what
        accomplishment, it lacked the sense of emotional pride and
                                                                we did.
        personal fulfillment of our traditional in-person MANTS.
                                                                We arrived onsite Sunday, January 2nd knowing that
        As hard as the 2021 transition was, nothing could have
                                                                10% of our 920 exhibiting companies would not have
        prepared us for what happened in the lead up to January
                                                                a physical presence (booth display) at the show. Many
        2022. Prior to December 6, MANTS was on track to have one
                                                                other companies called to say that they were sending a
        of the best years ever with attendance eclipsing the 2018
                                                                reduced number of staff, but that they would be there. We
        and 2019 shows and very close to 2020, our 50th anniversary
                                                                communicated all along that everyone needed to do what
        year. Hotel room reservations were well ahead of all previous
                                                                was best for themselves, their business, employees, and
        years and the energy and enthusiasm to return to an
                                                                families and with each conversation, we were reminded of
        in-person show format was palpable.
                                                                MANTS’ importance to the industry.
        We were very aware of the Omicron variant and that the
                                                                Monday morning arrived with a new set of challenges in
        local and national media was doing their usual best to whip
                                                                that snow, sleet, and freezing temperatures had hit the west
        everyone into a frenzy as Thanksgiving approached. But
                                                                coast, Midwest, southeastern states and much of the east
        with the mandatory Baltimore City indoor mask mandate
                                                                                                      (continued on next page)
        26   SPRING 2022 • Free State News
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