Page 34 - MNLGA - FreeState Spring 2022
P. 34


        Watch for bank scams via email!

        March 29, 2022
                                                                  Scams – Spam, Phishing, Spoofing and Pharming
        It has come to my attention this week that several companies
                                                                  Cyber criminals exploit people and steal confidential and sensitive
        in our industry have fallen victim to so-called email spoofing.   information through various email-based strategies. Beware of the
        Whether or not this has to do with certain geopolitical events   following:                                                     The finest Taxus and Boxwood in the industry
        taking place abroad is anyone’s guess. Certainly, spring is   Spam is unsolicited email, instant messages, or social media
        our busiest time, and scam artists may know you and your   messages. These messages are fairly easy to spot and can be                                       and so much more.
                                                                  damaging if you open or respond.
        staff will be harried and frantic and won’t take the time to
                                                                  Phishing is an email sent from an Internet criminal disguised as an
        cautiously review the emails you receive. But what could be a   email from a legitimate, trustworthy source. The message is meant
        worst time for a malicious computer attack than the height   to lure you into revealing sensitive or confidential information.
        of spring?                                                Spear Phishing occurs when criminals obtain information about you
                                                                  from websites or social networking sites, and customize a phishing
        Here’s how this particular scam works:                    scheme to you.
        You receive a legit-looking email from a recognized industry   Spoofing describes a criminal who impersonates another individual
                                                                  or organization, with the intent to gather personal or business
        supplier, informing you that their bank account information
        has recently changed, and that any future ACH payments or
                                                                  Pharming is a malicious website that resembles a legitimate website,
        wires should be made with this new bank information.      used to gather usernames and passwords.
        Except … the supplier’s bank information HASN’T changed.                                                                                                     Magic Carpet Spirea
        Instead, the bank information is that of the spoofer, who was   heard of at least one notable industry company that got hit                                                                          Blue Princess Holly
        posing as the supplier. Unfortunately, by the time the payer   recently. In these cases, the bad guys lock your computer
        (and the unknowing supplier) find out, the money transfer   system and threaten to destroy all your files unless you pay a
        has happened too long ago to get the money back or the   ransom—again, never a good thing, but especially bad in the
        criminal has already closed the bank account.
                                                                middle of spring.
        What should you do when you or someone in your company   Computer threats like these are why you need to train your
        receives such an email? First of all, be suspicious of any email   team to recognize spoofing and phishing schemes and
        asking for financial or personal information like this! Few if   remind them to be extra diligent. Plus, you need hack-proof
        any companies would tell you about bank account changes   backups! If you don’t know where to get such training                                                                    Hortense Hydrangea
        via email; they would use old-fashioned snail mail instead,   and systems, start with your IT/computer supplier. In the
        with official letterhead, company envelopes and a postmark   meantime, here is some basic info from the Cybersecurity
        from their city.                                                                                                                                                                                     Blue Arrow Juniper
                                                                Awareness Program at Texas Tech University: https://www.ttu.
        If you do receive an email like this, and it looks legit but you   edu/cybersecurity/lubbock/digital-life/digital-identity/scams-  Redpointe Maple
        aren’t sure, pick up the phone and call your supplier to ask if   spam-phishing-spoofing-pharming.php
        the banking change is real. And whatever you do, DO NOT
                                                                                                          Chris Beytes
        use the phone number in the email because that may be                                                                                                                                                                          See
        fake as well. Instead, go to the supplier’s website or your own   Reprinted from the March 29 issue of Grower Talks’ Acres Online                                                                                           Availability
        address book and call the number you find there.        with permission from Chris Beytes Editor, GrowerTalks and Green                                                                                                     List on our
                                                                Profit Magazine
        While watching out for this specific scam, beware that                                                                                                                                                                       website!
        regular ransomware attacks have been on the rise, too—I’ve
                                                                                                                                     7463 West Ridge Rd.   P.O. Box 189   Fairview PA 16415   800.458.2234   e-mail:
        34   SPRING 2022 • Free State News
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