Page 22 - Free State Spring 2022 - June FINAL
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Integrated Pest Management Solutions for Growers,
                          Landscapers, and Property Managers                 Ladies

                                                                             In the


                                                                      A professional organization for women working in the green
                                                                      industry. LIL also accepts student members taking courses related
                                                                      to the industry.
                                                                      Our Mission
                             Providing IPM scouting & consulting for:
                                                                      To create a community of women working in the landscape and
                             •  Nursery                               horticultural industries that provides support, collaboration,
                             •  Landscape                             continuing education, mentoring, and networking to empower our
                                                                      members’ personal and professional lives.
                             •  Greenhouse
                             •  Cannabis
            Heather Zindash, CPH,
            Professional IPM Consultant
            ISA Certified Arborist
            MMCC Cannabis Agent/Consultant

                 Learn more about Integrated Pest Management (IPM)                 BECOME A MEMBER!
                             and The Soulful Gardener                       Visit our website at   Designed by Adelaide Figurskey
                                                                                     Questions? Email us at
          Website:    Email:

                                                                  YES, I want a subscription to Free State

                                                                  Contact us with your request and we’ll add you to the
                                                                  mailing list.
                                                                  Subscriptions are $35 annually; MNLGA will invoice you
                                                                  upon receipt of your subscription request.
                                                                  (members need not subscribe)

                                                                  Name ___________________________________________________________________________

                                                                  Business  _______________________________________________________________________

                                                                  Address ________________________________________________________________________

                                                                  E-Mail ___________________________________________________________________________

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                                                                  Zip _______________________________________________________________________________

                                                                  Mail/Fax or e-mail: Free State, MNLGA, P.O. Box 726,
                                                                  Brooklandville, MD 21022 or e-mail:

        22   SPRING 2022 • Free State News
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