Page 69 - Free State Winter 2022 - Website Version
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GROWING WITH EDUCATION (Continued)                      part shade and once established is very drought tolerant. It
                                                                was originally brought to the states for it resistance to Dutch
        any damage. Insect pests include mealybugs, scale and vine
        weevils and disease pests include needle blights, root rot (in   Elms Disease, it fast growth potential and its ability to grow in
        heavy soils) and twig blights. The English Yew is a wonderful   poor soils. The upper side of the nearly double serrated leaves
        dark evergreen, suitable for screens and hedges, also handles   are dark green while the underside are lighter and slightly
        pruning very well and is an excellent candidate for topiary.   fuzzy. Unlike many Elms, the Siberian Elm has an almost even
                                                                symmetry with the lower half of their leaves on either side of
        Ulmus parvifolia – Lacebark Elm or Chinese Elm is a deciduous   the midrib. Early spring before the leaves emerge the green
        tree that is from China, Korea and Japan. The Champion   and red flower bloom and mature into rounded winged
        Ulmus parvifolia can be found beside the Severn building on   samaras with one seed in each samara. Summer brings the
        the UMD campus. The Lacebark Elm is cold hardy in USDA   bright green leaves and autumn showcases the shiny red
        zones 4-9 and thrives in full sun or light shade and prefers rich,   tipped black buds for the next spring. The fast and brittle
        moist well-drained loams. Once established the Lacebark   growth became more of a problem when the strong winds,
        Elm is tolerant of both wet and dry sites, urban pollution and   and winters ice and snow cause large branches fall. There
        slightly salt tolerant. The trees are considered medium to   were 2 co-national champions when Dr. Dirr wrote the 6th
        large trees, growing 40-50 feet tall and wide with a rounded   edition of the Manual of Woody Landscape Plants, one that
        crown and long arching branches. The leaves are arranged   was 86 x 128 feet in Londonderry, OK and the other 85 x 99
        alternately on stems that grow towards each leaf, creating   feet in Grand Junction, CO. There are no National Champion
        a zigzag pattern. Dark green serrated leaves are ¾ to 2 ½   Ulmus pumila found in the National Register of Champion
        inches long and 1/3 to 1 1/3 wide with an unequal base and   Trees. Besides the brittle nature of the branches, the Siberian
        a sharp tip. The underside is lightly furred when the leaves   Elm is well known for the leaves being devoured by the elm
        are young and almost leathery when they mature and the   leaf beetles, leaving the tree with brown-laced leaves by
        veins are parallel to the mid-rib. In the autumn the leaves can   the beginning of September. Other pests include borers,
        change to yellow or reddish purple. The tiny reddish green   caterpillars, mealy bugs, sawflies and scale. Diseases include
        flowers of the Lacebark Elm bloom late in the summer into fall,   Dutch elm disease and phloem necrosis, cankers, rots and
        and are hidden by the lush foliage. The flowers mature into   various wilts. The Siberian Elm creates large numbers of seeds
        light brown seeds that are individually wrapped into papery   each year and the tree is listed as an invasive in many states
        winged samara that is viable in the late fall. The beautiful   including Maryland.
 Aesculus pavia  exfoliating bark is this plants trademark with bark flaking off
        to reveal vaiable patches of brown, cinnamon, cream, gray,   Whether a tree is a native or a non-native, they give back
        green, olive and orange. There are no National Champion   so much to the environment and are especially important
        Ulmus parvifolia found in the National Register of Champion   with the climate changes that are occurring so quickly. Trees
        Trees. There are a large number of cultivars that provide   take in carbon dioxide, release oxygen, and filter out many
        beautiful bark, lovely leaves and silhouettes. Allée is just one of   air pollutants. They provide cooling shade locally and store
        many that are beautiful trees with dark green leaves, beautiful   carbon dioxide to help cool the earth. They help hold the
        branching and excellent resistance to Dutch Elm Disease   soil in place and filter pollutants in the water, reducing both
        and the Elm leaf beetle. Some have red or other fall colors,   excessive nutrients and pollutants from entering into our
        some have variegated white and green foliage, some have   streams, lakes and bays. Trees are also a wonderful source
        weeping branches, some are fastigiated or very columnar   of food and shelter for many of our native birds and animals.
        and some are very small. Pests include an occasional problem   Trees are also found to be important for human health,
        with cankers, leaf spots, phloem necrosis, root rots and wilts.   reducing violence in troubled neighborhoods and providing
        What they do have is strong resistance to Dutch Elms disease,   calming and healing environments. There are so many good
        Japanese Beetles, Elm Beetles and leaf scorch. Because of   reasons to plant a tree, you just need to find the right tree for
        the number of seeds the plants can make each year, it is not   the right space! A
        appropriate to plant the Lacebark Elm in natural areas due to
        the potential of the seedling becoming invasive. It could make              Ginny Rosenkranz
        an interesting shade tree in urban settings.                                Extension Educator, Commercial
                                                                                    Horticulture, University of Maryland
        Ulmus pumila – Siberian Elm is a large deciduous tree 50-70                 Extension, Dorchester, Sommerset,
        feet tall and 40-50 feet wide with a vase shaped rounded                    Wicomico and Worchester County
        crown. The Champion Ulmus pumila can be found by the                        410 749-6141 x106
 Ulmus pumila
        South Gate entrance into the UMD campus. The Siberian             
        Elm is cold hardy in USDA zones 4-9, and thrives in full sun to
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