Page 10 - MNLGA Free State Summer 2021
P. 10


                                                                  As you may know my grandfather,

                                                                  Ernest Hemming, hybridized Hibiscus
        Hibiscus Annie J Hemming cuttings taken June 23, 2021
        In March a wind storm tore the very old covering off our   Annie J. Hemming and we have
        propagation house. Larry managed to find some poly that
        would fit. But a busy spring kept us from getting around   always propagated it by division, a
        to putting the new one up until it was less than a week   method that is a bit slow to reach
        from the time we normally start propagation. Our business
        would go broke if we didn’t propagate as many liners as   large quantities.
        legally and logistically as possible. I’m sure it’s the same
        for many large and small nurseries. Buying all or most of   Crape Myrtles with a striking dark red leaved variety
        your non patented liners would be cost prohibitive. In any   named Black Diamond Best Red and Black Diamond
        case, Larry found some poly that would fit. Both of us hate   White. Reading the tag gave the usual blather about its
        high places. To get the old piece off we rented a lift that   “wonderfulness” and included that it was trademarked.
        was battery powered and easy to use. The controls used   But nowhere did it have a patent number or that a
        pictures to show what each did plus the speed it did it. A   patent was applied for. This seemed strange in this day
        turtle for slow and a rabbit for fast. Larry said he wanted an   and age. That night a computer search showed why.
        extra slow picture showing a 3-legged turtle.           The plants were hybridized by Dr Pounders at Mississippi

        Trying an idea, we pulled the new poly cross wise over   State University and released to the trade to propagate
        the house still folded. Then unfolded it and got it squared   and sell. Ebony Crape myrtles and Black Diamond Crape
        and in position. This worked well because that house is as   myrtles are the same clones under different names. Black
        wide as it is long. Then it was up the ladders to install the   Diamond Pure White is ‘Ebony & Ivory’. BD Best Red is
        wire lock to hold it all down. Tall houses are needed but   ‘Ebony Flame’. BD Blush is ‘Ebony Glow’. BD Crimson Red is
        we hate covering them. One of our employees said that   ‘Ebony Fire’. BD Red Hot is ‘Ebony Embers’.
        heights didn’t bother her. Well next time it’s her turn; at 77 I   The Ebony names are the officially registered cultivar
        have become allergic to ladders.                        names and anyone is allowed to propagate and sell

        When a new to us plant comes in, I always read any      plants under the Ebony names without paying any fees
        and all tags on it. Earlier in the spring we got in some   or worrying about other trademarks. The practice of
        10   SUMMER 2021 • Free State News
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