Page 26 - MNLGA Free State Summer 2021
P. 26

GARDEN COMM (Continued)
        some beautiful Lisianthus transplants   Magellan Zinnias, at Susan’s Annuals,   for my buck. Christmas is the ultimate
        in May from her in a rainbow of      I can browse through rainbow of      time to visit McLean’s when owner, Bill
        colors. For one of my early spring   Zinnias. Monet Mix, a luscious array of   Kuhl is cutting vibrant holly boughs,
        favorites  - violas - I ventured out to   pastel colors, is my favorite selection   both deciduous and evergreen,
        Grier Nursery Farm in Forest Hill to   of zinnias from Susan. Plus, many of   and other assorted evergreens to
        choose from the largest variety of   them come in 6 packs, which sadly    create their famous handmade
        pansies and violas on the planet.    are disappearing as a shopping       Christmas decorations of boxwood
                                             choice, probably because nurseries   trees, wreaths, kissing balls, and fresh
        Another grower that sells lots
        of different transplants is Susan    make more money out of a 4” or 6”,   greens.
        Iglehart’s Flowers in Reisterstown.   or larger pot.                      And if it is hugely popular natives
        According to her price list, she     For woodies, I road trip it to McLean   that you are looking for, search no
        grows “Intriguing Annuals & Usual    Nursery in Parkville, and I have a long   further than Heartwood Nursery &
        and Unusual Plants for Passionate    screen of their specialty - Satyr Hill   Environmental Preserve just over
        Gardeners!” For years, I have picked   Ilex. Bought as tiny 6” tall liners about   the line in Felton, Pennsylvania.
        up unusual annuals from her like     7-8 years ago, they have formed a    Specializing in hollies as well, they
        Fireworks Gomphrena, Goldfinger      beautiful berry laden evergreen scrim   also carry native fruits, native trees,
        Tithonia, or Apricot Lemonade        on my property. Being a patient and   shrubs, groundcovers, ferns, and
        Cosmos. And at other nurseries,      frugal gardener, I wanted to start   wildflowers of the Eastern Piedmont
        where I can just find ordinary       with small plants, to get more bang   Region. A woman-owned business,
                                                                                  Heartwood concentrates in
                                                                                  propagation of native woodies and
                                                                                  conducts educational events and

                                                                                  Blooming Hill Farm in Parkton is
                                                                                  my go-to for my many containers
                                                                                  that I create for my clients. Unusual
                                                                                  annuals that you would be hard-
                                                                                  pressed to find anywhere else, owner
                                                                                  JoEllen Troy, has been growing and
                                                                                  creating in her three poly houses
                                                                                  on her property since 1988. She
                                                                                  specializes in exquisite moss and
                                                                                  coco custom container planters.
                                                                                  Drop off your container and pick it up
                                                                                  a few weeks later and you will take
                                                                                  home a work of art. And her prices
                                                                                  are very reasonable!
                                                                                  Putnam Hill Nursery in Forest Hill,
                                                                                  is a jewel box of a nursery, owned
                                                                                  and operated by Melanie Ruckle.
                                                                                  According to their web site, they offer
                                                                                  “a robust selection of perennials,

        JoEllen Troy at Blooming Hill Farm

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