Page 54 - MNLGA Free State Summer 2021
P. 54


               he noise of the Brood X
               Periodical Cicada has
        Tceased. You may hear some
        noise from the Dog-Day cicadas
        in August, but fortunately they will
        not be as destructive as the Brood
        X periodical cicadas. Most nurseries
        in Maryland did not suffer damage
        but the ones that did all report
        rather severe branch dieback of
        branches in which female cicada

        The female cicada concentrated
        most of their egg ovipositing into
        thinner branch tips. In nurseries                                                 PAGE 54
        that suffered damage to the                                                       Crabapple:  Cicada damage on a
        tip branches, in most cases, the                                                  Prairifire Crabapple.
        damaged branches have been                                                        PAGE 55 CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT
        either broken off by wind and                                                     Linkberry with cicada damage
        rainstorms or pruned off by                                                       Damage: Cicada damage on old
        nursery workers. Unfortunately,                                                   Acerrubrum2year: Cicada damage
        there is a fair amount of damage                                                  on second year wood of a Red Maple
        that occurred on large diameter                                                   (Acer rubrum)
        branches further into the canopy of                                               Cladrastis:  Cicada damage on
                                                                                          second year wood of a Yellowwood
        the nursery trees.                                                                (Cladrastis kentukea)
        When the female cicada oviposited                                                 Photo credit: Stanton Gill, page 53
        into the branch, she also laid down                                               and top page 55, All other images
                                                                                          Michael Moran, Raemelton Farm
        a chemical that acts as growth
        hormone that keeps the wound
        area from closing over completely.   drought stress for the last 2 months,   The interesting thing is that while
        This damage will be very apparent    here in Maryland we have had          visiting several nurseries I noticed
        this fall and winter when the        an overall cooler than normal July    that Ginkgo trees are basically
        foliage drops off the tree.  Some    and frequent rains. Plants tend       devoid of any Cicada ovipositional
        customers may find this damage       to re-generate new growth under       damage.
        unacceptable. The damage tissue      these weather conditions.
        will be apparent for several years.                                        No doubt about it, your field
        Pruning it off is the best action you   While cutting back a tree, to what   workers are going to get a real
        can take.                            Steve Black is calling a “hat-rack,”   work out this summer, but on
                                             may look bad, it will likely fill in if the   the good side, their upper body
        The good news for Maryland           cool weather remains and frequent     muscles should be in fantastic
        growers is that while the rest of    rains continue.                       condition after this summer
        the USA has been under heat and
                                                                                   exercise. A

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